Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'gu'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: ask for, require, request, demand, search for, look for, seek
kyuu, gu
求める: motomeru: ask [call] for, require [request] (a person to do), demand (a thing from a person), want, look for, search for [after], seek for, buy
求め: motome: request (n.), demand, order
求う: kou: ask (a person to do), beg (a person to do), request (a person to do), entreat, appeal, solicit, sue for <<<
求める: semeru: torture, harass, worry <<<
Kanji words: 追求 , 求婚 , 求愛 , 求職 , 求人 , 探求 , 要求 , 請求
Expressions: 助けを求める , 救いを求める , 許しを求める , 職を求める , 反省を求める , 承認を求める , 軌跡を求める , 承諾を求める , 支援を求める , 援助を求める , 刺激を求める , 意見を求める , 賛成を求める , 許可を求める , 了解を求める , 発言を求める , 救助を求める , 保護を求める , 釈明を求める , 弁明を求める , 慰安を求める , 快楽を求める , 助言を求める , 人材を求める , 真理を求める , スリルを求める

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: prepare, provide
gu, ku
具: gu: ingredient, component, means
具える: sonaeru: prepare [make preparations] for, provide for [against] <<<
具: utsuwa: container, receptacle <<<
具さに: tsubusani: minutely, in detail, fully
Kanji words: 馬具 , 用具 , 玩具 , 器具 , 道具 , 家具 , 防具 , 金具 , 文房具 , 具現 , 絵具 , 遊具 , 敬具 , 寝具 , 具体 , 具合 , 雨具
Expressions: 運動具 , 取付け具 , 救命具

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: color    nb of strokes: 9
translation: red, crimson, scarlet
kou, ku, gu
紅: beni
紅: kurenai: deep red, crimson (n.), scarlet
紅: kurenaino: crimson (a.), scarlet
紅の豚: kurenainobuta: Porco Rosso (a Japanese anime directed by Hayao Miyazaki, 1992) <<<
紅い: akai: red <<<
Kanji words: 紅葉 , 紅茶 , 紅白 , 紅海 , 口紅 , 紅色 , 深紅
Expressions: 紅生姜

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: shape    nb of strokes: 11
translation: ball, bowl, globe, bulb
kyuu, gu
球: tama
球を投げる: tamaonageru: throw a ball <<<
Kanji words: 血球 , 地球 , 電球 , 卓球 , 球技 , 天球 , 球根 , 眼球 , 球場 , 野球 , 気球
Expressions: 牽制球 , 変化球 , 数珠球 , ストレート球
synonyms: , ボール

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: number    nb of strokes: 11
translation: put together (org.), stand in a line, pair
guu, gu
偶ぶ: narabu: stand in a line [row], form a line [queue], line up in a queue, be drawn up, stand side by side, stand abreast (of) <<<
偶: hitogata: doll, puppet <<< 人形
偶: chou: even number, pair <<<
偶: tagui: kind (n.), sort, species <<<
偶: tamatama: by chance, accidentally, unexpectedly <<< ,
偶: tamano: occasional, rare
偶: tamani: occasionally, rarely, on rare occasions
Kanji words: 偶然 , 偶数 , 偶像 , 配偶

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 12
translation: corner, nook
guu, gu
隅: sumi
隅から隅まで: sumikarasumimade: in every nook and corner, all over (the world)
隅に置けない: suminiokenai: smart, shrewd, crafty <<<
Kanji words: 片隅
check also

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: meet (by chance), encounter, welcome
guu, gu
遇う: au: meet (by chance), encounter <<< ,
遇す: motenasu: welcome
遇: tamatama: by chance, accidentally
Kanji words: 奇遇 , 遭遇 , 待遇

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: foolish, silly, stupid, dull
愚: gu: nonsense (n.), imbecility
愚に付かぬ: gunitsukanu: nonsense (a.), imbecile <<<
愚かな: orokana: foolish, silly, stupid, dull, mooch
愚かにも: orokanimo: foolishly
愚かさ: orokasa: foolishness
愚かしさ: orokashisa
Kanji words: 愚弄 , 愚者 , 愚図 , 愚痴

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: fear, worry, concern, anxious, afraid
虞: osore: fear, dread, terror, horror, reverence, awe, apprehension, danger <<<
虞える: ureeru: be anxious [worried] (about, over), be concerned (about, for, over), be afraid of, fear <<< , ,
虞る: omonbakaru: consider, be thoughtful, take (a matter) into account <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: at a loss, suffer
kyuu, gu
窮まる: kiwamaru: be dangerous, be at a loss <<< ,
窮める: kiwameru: go to extremes <<< ,
Kanji words: 窮屈 , 窮乏 , 窮地
Expressions: 策に窮する , 喧騒を窮める , 返答に窮する , 原理を窮める

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