Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'season'

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Direct access: 新緑 , 節分 , 増水 , 梅雨 , 定期 , 適当 , 登山 , 発情 , 花見 , 繁殖


pronunciation: shinryoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: nature   
translation: fresh green, verdure
新緑の頃: shinryokunokoro: season of fresh verdure <<<
新緑の季節しんりょくのきせつ: <<< 季節
check also 青葉


pronunciation: setsubun   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: eve which separates 2 seasons in lunar calendar (especially the beginning of spring and also Chinese new year, 2-4 February in Japan)*****
check also 節句 , 豆撒き , Setsubun


pronunciation: zousui   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: rise of water (in a river)
増水する: zousuisuru: rise, swell
増水期: zousuiki: flooded season, annual flooded period <<<
check also 洪水


pronunciation: tsuyu, baiu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: rainy [wet] season
梅雨時: tsuyudoki <<<
梅雨の入り: tsuyunoiri: sitting-in of the rainy [wet] season <<<
梅雨の明け: tsuyunoake: passing of the rainy [wet] season <<<
梅雨前線: baiuzensen: seasonal rain front <<< 前線


pronunciation: teiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport , finance   
translation: regularity, periodicity, pass ticket, season ticket
定期の: teikino: regular, periodic, periodical
定期的: teikiteki <<<
定期的に: teikitekini: at a fixed time, periodically, at regular intervals, regularly
定期券: teikiken: season ticket, commutation ticket <<<
定期券で通う: teikikendekayou: commute <<<
定期船: teikisen: regular liner <<<
定期航路: teikikouro: regular line <<< 航路
定期年金: teikinenkin: terminable annuity <<< 年金
定期貯金: teikichokin: fixed time deposit <<< 貯金
定期検査: teikikensa: periodical inspection <<< 検査


pronunciation: tekitou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: suitability, adequacy
適当な: tekitouna: fit (for), suitable (to, for), proper, adequate, appropriate, competent (to do, for a task)
適当な時に: tekitounatokini: at a [the] proper time [season] <<<
適当に: tekitouni: suitably, properly, adequately
適当する: tekitousuru: suit, fit, to be fit for
適当と認める: tekitoutomitomeru: think (it) fit [proper] <<<
適当と思う: tekitoutoomou <<<


pronunciation: tozan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport , nature   
translation: mountain climbing, mountaineering
登山する: tozansuru: climb, ascend a mountain
登山家: tozanka: climber, mountaineer, alpinist <<<
登山者: tozansha <<<
登山靴: tozangutsu: mountaineering boots <<<
登山隊: tozantai: mountaineering party <<<
登山杖: tozantsue: alpenstock <<<
登山熱: tozannnetsu: passion [craze] for mountaineering <<<
登山鉄道: tozantetsudou: mountain railway <<< 鉄道
登山電車: tozandensha <<< 電車
登山シーズン: tozanshiizun: mountaineering season <<< シーズン
アルプス登山: arupusutozan: alpinism <<< アルプス
synonyms: 山登り


pronunciation: hatsujou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: animal   
translation: rut, heat
発情する: hatsujousuru: (go to) rut, get on heat
発情した: hatsujoushita: in rut [heat]
発情期: hatsujouki: mating season, puberty <<<
check also , 交尾


pronunciation: hanami   kanji characters: ,    keyword: flower , amusement   
translation: flower-viewing
花見に行く: hanaminiiku: go to see cherry-blossoms <<<
花見の宴: hanaminoen: flower-viewing party <<<
花見時: hanamidoki: cherry-blossom season <<<
花見客: hanamikyaku: flower-viewing people <<<


pronunciation: hanshoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: biology   
translation: propagation, breeding, increase (n.)
繁殖する: hanshokusuru: propagate itself, breed, increase (v.)
繁殖期: hanshokuki: breeding season <<<
繁殖力: hanshokuryoku: procreative power, fertility <<<
繁殖力の盛んな: hanshokuryokunosakannna: prolific <<<

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