Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 't'

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Direct access: 真逆 , 今更 , 皆目 , 気兼 , 心配 , 冗談 , 駄目 , 天竺 , 問屋 , 如何


pronunciation: masaka   kanji characters: ,   
translation: But that's impossible! That cannot be! Don't tell me! You don't say!
真逆の時: masakanotoki: in an emergency, in case of an emergency, in case of emergency, in case of necessity, in case of need, at worst, in the last resort <<<


pronunciation: imasara   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: now, after so long a time, when it is too late
今更仕方が無い: imasarashikataganai: It can't be helped now
今更仕様が無い: imasarashiyouganai, imasarashouganai
今更出来ない: imasaradekinai <<< 出来


pronunciation: kaimoku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: entirely, utterly
皆目分からない: kaimokuwakaranai: I understand nothing, I don't understand at all <<<
皆目見当が付かない: kaimokukentougatsukanai: can't make it out at all
check also 全然


pronunciation: kigane   kanji characters: ,   
translation: reserve, hesitation, inhibition, constraint
気兼する: kiganesuru: be afraid of giving trouble (to), feel some constraint, have a regard for a person's feelings, be [feel] ill at ease
気兼無しに: kiganenashini: without reserve <<<
気兼せずに: kiganesezuni
気兼しないで: kiganeshinaide
気兼しないで下さい: kiganeshinaidekudasai: don't mind me, don't put yourself out for me <<<
check also 遠慮


pronunciation: shinpai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: fear, concern, apprehension, worry, anxiety, dread, trouble, qualm
心配する: shinpaisuru: be concerned, apprehensive, anxious, have a fear
心配させる: shinpaisaseru: trouble (v.), cause anxiety
心配掛ける: shinpaikakeru <<<
心配するな: shinpaisuruna: Don't worry (about)
心配無い: shinpainai: quiet, safe, secure, trustworthy <<<
心配して: shinpaishite: anxiously, with anxiety, in fear of, fraught
心配そうに: shinpaisouni
心配の種: shinpainotane: source [cause] of anxiety <<<
心配の余り: shinpainoamari: from extreme anxiety, in the excess of anxiety <<<
心配事: shinpaigoto: worries, headaches <<<
心配事が有る: shinpaigotogaaru: have concerns <<<
余計な心配: yokeinashinpai: unnecessary worry [concern] <<< 余計
余計な心配をする: yokeinashinpaiosuru: be unnecessarily worried (about) <<< 余計
synonyms: 懸念 , 憂慮 , 不安 , 心痛


pronunciation: joudan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: amusement   
translation: jest, joke, fun, pleasantry
冗談に: joudannni: in jest [joke], for a joke, in [for] fun
冗談の: joudannno: jokey, funny, humorous
冗談はさて置き: joudanwasateoki: joking apart [aside], now seriously <<<
冗談抜きにして: joudannnukinishite <<<
冗談は止せ: joudanwayose: Don't be silly <<<
冗談じゃ無い: joudanjanai <<<
冗談を言う: joudannoiu: jest (v.), joke, crack a joke <<<
冗談を飛ばす: joudannotobasu <<<
冗談が過ぎる: joudangasugiru: carry a joke too far <<<
冗談半分に: joudanhanbunnni: half in joke <<< 半分
synonyms: ジョーク
check also 悪戯 , 軽口


pronunciation: dame   kanji characters: ,    other spells: ダメ  
translation: uselessness, futileness, futility, hopelessness, incompetence, inefficiency, must not
駄目な: damena: useless, vain, futile, hopeless, incompetent, inefficient
駄目である: damedearu: be useless [hopeless, futile, incompetent], be no good, be (of) no use
駄目にする: damenisuru: spoil, ruin, waste, bring (a plan) to naught
駄目に成る: dameninaru: be spoiled [ruined], end in a failure, fall through <<<
駄目を押す: dameoosu: make sure, make assurance doubly sure <<< , 確認
もう駄目だ: moudameda: It's all over with sb.
其れは駄目だ: damewadameda: That won't do <<<
到底駄目: touteidame: be hopeless [beyond hope] <<< 到底
check also 無駄


pronunciation: tenjiku   kanji characters:    keyword: asia   
translation: India (anc.)
天竺の: tenjikuno: Indian
天竺葵: tenjikuaoi: geranium <<< , ゼラニウム
天竺鼠: tenjikunezumi: guinea pig <<< , モルモット
天竺木綿: tenjikumomen: T-cloths <<< 木綿
天竺牡丹: denjikubotan: dahlia <<< 牡丹 , ダリア
synonyms: インド


pronunciation: tonnya   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: wholesale store [house], wholesaler, wholesale dealer [merchant]
問屋が卸さない: tonnyagaorosanai: you are expecting too much, You can't get it so easily, Don't take so much for granted <<<
問屋業: tonnyagyou: wholesale business <<<
問屋値段: tonnyanedan: wholesale [trade] price <<< 値段


pronunciation: dou, ikaga, ikan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: how, what
如何して: doushite: why, for what reason, how, in what way, far from that
如何しても: doushitemo: by all means, at all costs [risks], by no means, must, whether one likes it or not, willy-nilly, in the end, after all, in the long run, all things considered, in all respects
如何ですか: doudesuka: How are you? How do you feel today?
如何するか: dousuruka: What I [we] should do?
如何する気: dousuruki: What would you do? What do you want to do? <<<
如何在っても: douattemo: in any case, by all means, whatever may happen <<<
如何でも: doudemo: anyhow, anyway, in any way, at any cost, by all means, at all risks
如何でも良い: doudemoii: That doesn't matter, That is not the point, That's neither here nor there <<<
如何見ても: doumitemo: to all appearance, in every respect <<<
如何言う: douiu: what kind [sort] of <<<
如何言う風に: douiuhuuni: how, in what way <<<
如何言う訳だか: douiuwakedaka: for some reason or other <<<
如何言う訳ですか: douiuwakedesuka: Why? How is [comes] it that? What do you mean? <<<
如何致しまして: douitashimashite: Not at all! You are welcome! With pleasure! The pleasure is mine <<<
如何わしい: ikagawashii: doubtful, suspicious, indecent
如何せん: ikansen: It can't be helped
如何ともしがたい: ikantomoshigatai
一体如何したのだ: ittaidoushitanoda: What is it all about? What the deuce is the matter? <<< 一体
check also 何故

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