Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 13 strokes

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: history    nb of strokes: 13
translation: inherit, heir
嗣ぐ: tsugu: succeed (a person), come after (a person), inherit <<<
嗣: yotsugi: heir, heiress, successor, 世継

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: art    nb of strokes: 13
translation: fetish, statuette
塑: deku

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: deplore, lament
慨く: nageku
Kanji words: 感慨
synonyms: ,

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: wide, vast, spacious, broad, large, roomy
漠: sunahara: desert
漠い: hiroi: wide, vast, spacious, broad, large, roomy <<< ,
Kanji words: 砂漠

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: watch, manage, lead, direct
督る: miru: watch, ward off <<< , ,
督いる: hikiiru: manage, lead, direct <<<
督す: unagasu: invite, press, demand, spur, prompt, quicken, stimulate, urge <<<
督す: tadasu: correct (v.), investigate, amend, reform, rectify <<< ,
Kanji words: 監督 , 提督

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: kids    nb of strokes: 13
translation: young, small, junior
chi, ji
稚い: wakai: young, junior <<<
Kanji words: 幼稚 , 稚拙

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: fear, worry, concern, anxious, afraid
虞: osore: fear, dread, terror, horror, reverence, awe, apprehension, danger <<<
虞える: ureeru: be anxious [worried] (about, over), be concerned (about, for, over), be afraid of, fear <<< , ,
虞る: omonbakaru: consider, be thoughtful, take (a matter) into account <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: old clothes, rags
katsu, kachi
褐: kegoromo: fur clothing
褐: nunoko: cotton clothing
Kanji words: 褐色 , 褐炭

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: step, tread, stamp, trample
sen, zen
践む: humu: step [tread] on, stamp, trample
Kanji words: 実践
synonyms: ,

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: milk
酪: chichizake: milk (anc.)
Kanji words: 酪農

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