Online Japanese dictionary of foreign words: keyword: oceania

This is an online Japanese dictionary developed by Free Light Software and contains Japanese words of foreign origins such as country names. If this is your first visit, please check the list of our Japanese dictionaries. You can narrow your translation search by clicking on a keyword, or find a Japanese character or word from Roman characters (Romaji) or English word. The list of abbreviation should be also helpful.

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Direct access: ホノルル , メルボルン


pronunciation: honoruru   etymology: Honolulu (eg.)   keyword: usa , oceania   
translation: Honolulu
ホノルル市: honorurushi: City of Honolulu <<<
check also ハワイ


pronunciation: meruborun   etymology: Melbourne (eg.)   keyword: oceania   
translation: Melbourne (city)
メルボルン市: meruborunshi: City of Melbourne (Australia) <<<
メルボルン・オリンピック: meruborunorinpikku: Melbourne Olympics (1956) <<< オリンピック
check also オーストラリア

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