Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: economy

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Direct access: 実利 , 相場 , 蓄積 , 通貨 , 低下 , 統計 , 特需 , 動向 , 動態 , 値頃


pronunciation: jitsuri   kanji characters: ,    keyword: economy   
translation: utility, actual profit [gain], benefit
実利的: jitsuriteki: utilitarian <<<
実利主義: jitsurishugi: utilitarianism, commercialism <<< 主義
実利主義者: jitsurishugisha: utilitarian <<<


pronunciation: souba   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance , economy   
translation: market price, quotation, speculation, estimation
相場が上がる: soubagaagaru: rise in price <<<
相場が下がる: soubagasagaru: fall in price <<<
相場で儲ける: soubademoukeru: make money by speculation <<<
相場師: soubashi: speculator, stockjobber <<<
相場表: soubahyou: list of quotations <<<
相場変動: soubahendou: price fluctuation, fluctuation of a market price <<< 変動
買い相場: kaisouba: buying rate <<<
売り相場: urisouba: selling rate <<<
公定相場: kouteisouba: official rate <<< 公定
為替相場: kawasesouba: exchange rate <<< 為替
株式相場: kabushikisouba: stock prices <<< 株式
先物相場: sakimonosouba: futures quotation <<< 先物
ドル相場: dorusouba: exchange rates of dollar <<< ドル


pronunciation: chikuseki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: economy , medicine   
translation: accumulation
蓄積する: chikusekisuru: accumulate, store


pronunciation: tsuuka   kanji characters: ,    keyword: economy , politics   
translation: currency, current money
通貨の: tsuukano: monetary
通貨政策: tsuukaseisaku: monetary policy <<< 政策
通貨改革: tsuukakaikaku: monetary reform <<< 改革
通貨不安: tsuukahuan: monetary (currency) uncertainty <<< 不安
通貨危機: tsuukakyoukiki: monetary crisis <<< 危機
通貨膨張: tsuukabouchou: inflation <<< 膨張
通貨収縮: tsuukashuushuku: deflation <<< 収縮
通貨準備: tsuukajunbi: monetary reserve <<< 準備
通貨供給: tsuukakyoukyuu: money supply <<< 供給
通貨統合: tsuukatougou: monetary integration <<< 統合
預金通貨: yokintsuuka: deposit money [currency] <<< 預金
欧州通貨: oushuutsuuka: European currency <<< 欧州
仮想通貨: kasoutsuuka: virtual currency, cryptocurrency <<< 仮想
暗号通貨: angoutsuuka: cryptocurrency <<< 暗号
法定通貨: houteitsuuka: lawful money, legal tender, functional currency <<< 法定
ユーロ通貨: yuurotsuuka: euro currency <<< ユーロ


pronunciation: teika   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport , economy , medicine   
translation: decline (n.), fall (n.)
低下する: teikasuru: decline (v.), fall (v.), deteriorate, go down
機能低下: kinouteika: depression <<< 機能
品質低下: hinshitsuteika: deterioration of quality <<< 品質
check also 下降


pronunciation: toukei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics , economy   
translation: statistics
統計の: toukeino: statistical
統計上: toukeijou: statistically <<<
統計を取る: toukeiotoru: take statistics <<<
統計学: toukeigaku: statistical science, statistics <<<
統計学者: toukeigakusha: statistician <<< 学者
統計局: toukeikyoku: bureau of statistics <<<
統計表: toukeihyou: statistical table <<<
統計図表: toukeizuhyou: statistical graph, graph chart
統計年鑑: toukeinenkan: statistical yearbook <<< 年鑑
動態統計: doutaitoukei: dynamic statistics <<< 動態
官庁統計: kanchoutoukei: governmental statistics <<< 官庁
死亡統計: shiboutoukei: statistics of mortality <<< 死亡
人口統計: jinkoutoukei: population statistics, demography <<< 人口


pronunciation: tokuju   kanji characters: ,    keyword: economy   
translation: special procurements
特需景気: tokujukeiki: special procurement boom <<< 景気


pronunciation: doukou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: economy   
translation: trend, tendency, movement
synonyms: 傾向


pronunciation: doutai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: economy   
translation: movement
動態統計: doutaitoukei: dynamic statistics <<< 統計


pronunciation: negoro   kanji characters: ,    keyword: economy   
translation: cheapness
値頃感: negorokan <<<
値頃の: negorono: cheap
check also

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