Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: food

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Direct access: 御馳走 , 御飯 , 胡麻 , 菜食 , 三食 , 産物 , 塩漬 , 嗜好 , 下拵え , 七面鳥


pronunciation: gochisou   kanji characters: , ,    other spells: ご馳走   keyword: food   
translation: entertainment, treat, dainty dishes, feast, banquet
御馳走する: gochisousuru: entertain (a person) to dinner, stand (a person) a dinner, serve up
御馳走様: gochisousama: Thank you for the delightful [delicious] meal <<<
素晴い御馳走: subarashiigochisou: marvelous dinner <<< 素晴い


pronunciation: gohan   kanji characters: ,    other spells: ご飯   keyword: food   
translation: boiled rice, meal
御飯を炊く: gohannotaku: boil [cook] rice <<<
御飯を食べる: gohannotaberu: take [have] one's meal <<<
御飯粒: gohantsubu: grain of boiled rice <<<
御飯時: gohandoki: mealtime <<<
御飯蒸: gohanmushi: rice steamer <<<
朝御飯: asagohan: breakfast <<< , 朝飯 , 朝食
昼御飯: hirugohan: lunch, luncheon <<< , 昼飯 , 昼食
夕御飯: yuugohan: dinner, supper <<< , 夕食
晩御飯: bangohan <<<
混ぜ御飯: mazegohan: rice boiled with other ingredients <<<
御飯ですよ: gohandesuyo: come and eat! dinner [lunch] is ready [served]
synonyms: 食事


pronunciation: goma   kanji characters: ,    other spells: ゴマ   keyword: food   
translation: sesame
胡麻を擂る: gomaosuru: grind sesame, flatter (a person), curry favor (with a person)
胡麻擂り: gomasuri: flatterer, apple polisher
胡麻油: gomaabura: sesame oil <<<
胡麻塩: gomashio: parched salt and sesame <<<
胡麻塩頭の: gomashioatamano: gray-headed, pepper-and-salt haired, grizzled, with grizzled hair <<<
胡麻菓子: gomakashi: trickery, deception, camouflage <<< 菓子 , 誤魔化し
開け胡麻: hirakegoma: Open Sesame! <<<


pronunciation: saishoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food , health   
translation: vegetarian [vegetable] diet, vegetarian dishes
菜食の: saishokuno: vegetarian (a.), veggie
菜食する: saishokusuru: live on vegetables
菜食主義: saishokushugi: vegetarianism <<< 主義
菜食主義者: saishokushugisha: vegetarian (n.), vegan <<<
check also 草食


pronunciation: sanshoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: three meals (a day)


pronunciation: sanbutsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food , industry   
translation: product, produce, staple products, result, outcome, fruits
海産物: kaisanbutsu: marine products, seafoods <<<
海産物商: kaisanbutsushou: dealer in seafoods <<<
農産物: nousanbutsu: agricultural product <<<
副産物: hukusanbutsu: by-product, residuum <<<
主要産物: shuyousanbutsu: staple products <<< 主要
synonyms: 物産


pronunciation: shioZuke   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: salted food, conservation of a losing position (in market)
塩漬にする: shioZukenisuru: salt (v.), pickle (a thing) in salt, keep [conserve] a losing position (in market)


pronunciation: shikou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: taste, liking, fancy
嗜好に適う: shikounikanau: suit [be to] one's taste, catch [strike] one's fancy <<<
嗜好品: shikouhin: luxury goods, one's favorite food <<<
嗜好物: shikoubutsu <<<


pronunciation: shitagoshirae   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 下ごしらえ   keyword: food   
translation: preparations, preliminary arrangements
下拵えする: shitagoshiraesuru: prepare [make preparations] (for), make ready (for)
synonyms: 準備


pronunciation: shichimenchou   kanji characters: , ,    keyword: bird , food   
translation: turkey, gobbler, turkey cock, turkey hen

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