Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: radical

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category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 14
translation: tie, link, fasten, join, rope, cord
i, yui
維ぐ: tsunagu: tie (vt.), link, fasten, join <<<
維: tsuna: line, rope, cord <<<
Kanji words: 維持 , 繊維

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: fabric    nb of strokes: 14
translation: (end of) thread, clue, beginning
sho, cho
緒に就く: shonitsuku: be started, be fairly under way <<<
緒: itoguchi: end of thread, clue, beginning
緒: o: thread
Kanji words: 一緒 , 内緒 , 情緒 , 端緒
Expressions: 臍の緒

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: shut, tighten, fasten, tie, knot
締める: shimeru: tie, bind, tighten (up), shut, close, let down, fasten, put on, add [sum] up, save, economize <<<
締め付ける: shimetsukeru: tighten (up), fasten <<<
締め出す: shimedasu: shut [lock] out, shut the door on (a person), exclude (a person from) <<<
締め括る: shimekukuru: bind, bundle, bring (a matter) to finish [conclusion], settle (a matter) <<<
締め括り: shimekukuri: conclusion <<<
締め: shime: a bundle, total amount
締めて: shimete: altogether, in all in the total, all told
締めて幾らですか: shimeteikuradesuka: How much does it cost altogether? <<<
締まる: shimaru: shut (vi.), close <<<
締ぶ: musubu: tie (vt.), knot <<<
Kanji words: 取締 , 締切 , 締結
Expressions: 肉の締まった , 抱き締める , 噛み締める , 帯を締める , 握り締める , 靴紐を締める , 螺子で締める , 発条を締める , ボルトを締める , ボルトで締める , バックルを締める , キャップを締める , バンドを締める

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: crime , tool    nb of strokes: 15
translation: cord, rope, cable, correct (v.)
縄: nawa: cord, rope, cable
縄に掛かる: nawanikakaru: be arrested <<<
縄を掛ける: nawaokakeru: bind [fasten, tie] (with a rope), cord up, arrest <<<
縄を解く: nawaotoku: unbind, untie, set (a person) free <<<
縄を張る: nawaoharu: stretch a rope, rope off [out] <<<
縄す: tadasu: correct (vt.), amend <<<
Kanji words: 縄張り , 注連縄 , 沖縄 , 縄文 , 縄跳
Expressions: 一筋縄 , 縄梯子
synonyms: ロープ , コード

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: mild, loose, slow, slack
緩い: yurui: loose, slack, lenient, generous
緩く: yuruku: loosely, leniently, generously, slowly
緩やか: yuruyaka: lenient, generous, loose, slow
緩やかに: yuruyakani: leniently, generously, liberally
緩み: yurumi: looseness, slackness, relaxation, relief
緩む: yurumu: become slack, slacken, grow [come] loose, loosen, relax, abate
緩める: yurumeru: loose, make loose, unfasten, slacken, relax, mitigate, abate, slow down
緩り: yukkuri: slowly, by slow degrees, at a slow pace, leisurely, deliberately, at ease
緩り歩く: yukkuriaruku: walk slowly [leisurely] <<<
緩り遣る: yukkuriyaru: take time <<<
緩りする: yukkurisuru: take time, stay long
緩り眠る: yukkurinemuru: have a good sleep <<<
緩: husa, yasu, nobu, hiro: pers.
Kanji words: 緩衝 , 緩慢 , 緩和
Expressions: 箍が緩む , 歩みを緩める , 螺子を緩める , 手綱を緩める , 緩い階段 , キャップを緩める , バンドを緩める , ブレーキを緩める
antonyms: ,

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: society    nb of strokes: 15
translation: edge, rim, cause (bor.)
縁: en: relation, connection, affinity, ties, bond, marriage, fate, destiny, karma <<< 関係
縁が近い: engachikai: be closely related <<<
縁が深い: engahukai <<<
縁が遠い: engatooi: be distantly related <<<
縁を結ぶ: ennomusubu: form a connection (with a person) <<< , 結婚
縁を切る: ennokiru: cut connections (with), break off (from), break with (a person) <<<
縁が無い: enganai: have no relations [relationship, chance], cannot get married <<<
縁: huchi: edge, rim, border, limit
縁を取る: huchiotoru: hem (v.), fringe, border <<<
縁を付ける: huchiotsukeru: frame (v.), border <<<
縁無しの: huchinashino: brimless, rimless, unframed <<<
縁る: yoru: be based on, be due to <<< , , ,
縁: yosuga: hold, clue, key <<< , 手掛り
縁みに: chinamini: incidentally, by the way <<<
縁: masa, mune, yasu, yori, yoshi: pers.
Kanji words: 復縁 , 縁談 , 因縁 , 縁起 , 縁結び , 縁側 , 額縁 , 縁日 , 無縁 , 縁組
Expressions: 眼鏡の縁 , 夫婦の縁 , 親子の縁 , 帽子の縁

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 16
translation: bind, tie, bind, chain, fetter, restrict, arrest
baku, haku
縛る: shibaru
Kanji words: 捕縛 , 束縛
Expressions: 時間に縛られる , 手足を縛る

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: clothes    nb of strokes: 16
translation: sew, stitch
縫う: nuu: sew, stitch
縫い合わせる: nuiawaseru: sew [stitch] together, sew [stitch] up <<< , 縫合
縫い付ける: nuitsukeru: sew on <<<
縫い取り: nuitori: embroidery <<<
縫い取りをする: nuitoriosuru: embroider <<<
縫い取る: nuitoru <<<
縫: nuime: seam, suture <<< 縫目
Kanji words: 縫物 , 裁縫 , 縫合 , 縫目 , 縫包み
Expressions: 機械縫い , 傷口を縫う , ミシンで縫う , ミシン縫いの

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: geography    nb of strokes: 16
translation: woof, weft, horizontal (ext.)
緯: yokoito: woof, weft
Kanji words: 経緯 , 緯度 , 南緯 , 北緯

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 17
translation: thin thread (org.), flexible, supple, pliant, graceful, elegant, fine, tiny, small
繊さい: chiisai: fine, tiny, small <<<
繊やかな: shinayakana: flexible, supple, pliant, graceful, elegant
繊やかに: shinayakani: flexibly, pliantly, gracefully
Kanji words: 繊細 , 繊維

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