Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: law

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Direct access: 独占 , 任意 , 認定 , 抜穴 , 抜道 , 廃棄 , 破棄 , 破産 , 反則 , 不法


pronunciation: dokusen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business , law   
translation: exclusivity, monopoly
独占する: dokusensuru: monopolize
独占的: dokusenteki: exclusive, monopolistic <<<
独占者: dokusensha: monopolist <<<
独占権: dokusenken: exclusive right <<<
独占欲: dokusennyoku: desire for exclusive possession <<<
独占化: dokusenka: monopolization <<<
独占事業: dokusenjigyou: monopolistic enterprise <<< 事業
独占資本: dokusenshihon: monopolistic capital <<< 資本
独占禁止: dokusenkinshi: antimonopoly <<< 禁止
独占禁止法: dokusenkinshihou: antimonopoly (antitrust) law <<<


pronunciation: ninni   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: voluntariness
任意の: ninnino: voluntary, optional, free
任意の場所: ninninobasho: any place <<< 場所
任意の自白: ninninojihaku: voluntary confession <<< 自白
任意に: ninnini: at will, of one's own free will, as one pleases
任意出頭: ninnishuttou: voluntary reporting (to the police) <<< 出頭
任意調停: ninnichoutei: voluntary arbitration [meditation] <<< 調停
任意清算: ninniseisan: voluntary liquidation <<< 清算


pronunciation: nintei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: authorization, recognition, acknowledgment
認定する: ninteisuru: authorize, recognize, acknowledge, presume
認定書: ninteisho: written recognition <<< , 証書
認定講習: ninteikoushuu: seminar [course of lecture] for qualifying <<< 講習
認定講習会: ninteikoushuukai <<<
check also 認証


pronunciation: nukeana   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 抜け穴   keyword: law   
translation: secret passage, underground passage, loophole
check also 抜道


pronunciation: nukemichi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 抜け道   keyword: law   
translation: secret passage, underground passage, last resources, loophole
check also 抜穴


pronunciation: haiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: environment , law   
translation: abandonment, discard (n.), abrogation
廃棄する: haikisuru: abandon, discard (v.), scrape, abrogate
廃棄物: haikibutsu: scraped material, waste matters <<<
check also 破棄 , 放棄


pronunciation: haki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , law   
translation: destruction, cancellation, annulment, revocation, abrogation, denunciation
破棄する: hakisuru: destroy, cancel, annul, revoke, abrogate, denounce, breach
check also 廃棄 , 放棄


pronunciation: hasan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance , law   
translation: bankruptcy, insolvency, bank failure
破産する: hasansuru: go [become] bankrupt [insolvent], fail, be ruined
破産させる: hasansaseru: make bankrupt
破産した: hasanshita: bankrupt (a.), failed
破産者: hasansha: bankrupt (n.), insolvent <<<
破産法: hasanhou: bankruptcy act <<<
破産債権: hasansaiken: claim against a bankrupt's estate, claim provable in bankruptcy <<< 債権
破産債権者: hasansaikensha: bankrupt's creditor, creditor of a bankrupt's estate, petitioning creditor <<<
破産手続: hasantetsuZuki: bankruptcy proceeding, insolvency proceedings <<< 手続
破産清算人: hasanseisannnin: custodian, fiduciary, trustee in bankruptcy
破産管理人: hasankanrinin
check also 倒産


pronunciation: hansoku   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 犯則   keyword: law , sport   
translation: foul, violation of the law
反則する: hansokusuru: play foul, act against the rules, commit a foul
反則を犯す: hansokuookasu <<<
反則者: hansokusha: offender, transgressor <<<
反則負け: hansokumake: disqualification <<<
反則負けする: hansokumakesuru: be disqualified, lose a game on a foul
反則切符: hansokukippu: traffic [parking] ticket <<< 切符
check also ファウル


pronunciation: huhou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law , crime   
translation: illegality, unlawfulness
不法な: huhouna: illegal, unlawful, illegitimate, unjust, wrong
不法越境: huhouekkyou: violation of the border [frontier]
不法監禁: huhoukankin: illegal confinement <<< 監禁
不法行為: huhoukoui: illegal act, illegality <<< 行為
不法集会: huhoushuukai: illegal assembly <<< 集会
不法侵入: huhoushinnnyuu: trespass <<< 侵入
不法占拠: huhousenkyo: illegal occupation <<< 占拠
不法滞在: huhoutaizai: illegal residence <<< 滞在
不法移民: huhouimin: illegal immigration, illegal [undocumented] immigrant <<< 移民
不法入国: huhounyuukoku: illegal entry <<< 入国
不法入国者: huhounyuukokusha: illegal entrant <<<
check also 違法 , 不正 , 不当

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