Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: bank

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Direct access: 貯蓄 , 通帳 , 手形 , 取付け , 振替 , 振込 , 振出 , 返金 , 預金 , 利子


pronunciation: chochiku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: bank   
translation: savings
貯蓄する: chochikusuru: save, store up, lay up
貯蓄心: chochikushin: thrift <<<
貯蓄心の有る: chochikushinnnoaru: thrifty, provident <<<
貯蓄心の無い: chochikushinnnonai: unthrifty, improvident <<<
貯蓄家: chochikuka: saver <<<
貯蓄運動: chochikuundou: savings campaign <<< 運動
貯蓄銀行: chochikuginkou: savings bank <<< 銀行
貯蓄債権: chochikusaiken: savings bond <<< 債権
check also 貯金


pronunciation: tsuuchou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: bank   
translation: bankbook, passbook


pronunciation: tegata   kanji characters: ,    keyword: bank   
translation: draft, bill
手形で支払う: tegatadeshiharau: pay by a draft <<< 支払
手形を振り出す: tegataohuridasu: draw a bill
手形を落とす: tegataootosu: honor a bill <<<
手形交換: tegatakoukan: clearing <<< 交換
手形勘定: tegatakanjou: account of exchange <<< 勘定
手形支払: tegatashiharai: payment by note <<< 支払
手形信用: tegatashinnyou: bill credit <<< 信用
手形取引: tegatatorihiki: bill transaction <<< 取引
手形割引: tegatawaribiki: bank discount <<< 割引
空手形: karategata: fictitious bill, empty promise <<<
check also 小切手


pronunciation: toritsuke   kanji characters: ,    keyword: bank , tool   
translation: run (on a bank), installation, furnishing
取付ける: toritsukeru: install (a machine), equip, furnish, fit up, lay on, become a regular customer (of), patronize (a shop), extract (a promise from a person)
取付け騒ぎ: toritsukesawagi: run (on a bank) <<<
取付け具: toritsukegu: furniture (to fit or fix something) <<<
取付け工: toritsukekou: fitter (a person) <<<
synonyms: 設置


pronunciation: hurikae   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 振り替   keyword: bank   
translation: change (n.), transfer
振替える: hurikaeru: change (a bill), bank transfer
振替為替: hurikaekawase: postal check [cheque] <<< 為替
振替口座: hurikaekouza: giro account <<< 口座


pronunciation: hurikomi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 振り込   keyword: bank   
translation: bank (credit) transfer, wire transfer
振込む: hurikomu: transfer to a (person's) bank account
振込先: hurikomisaki: account to which money to be transferred, beneficiary (of a bank transfer) <<<
振込詐欺: hurikomisagi: bank transfer fraud <<< 詐欺
check also 振出


pronunciation: huridashi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 振り出   keyword: bank   
translation: start, starting point, throw, drawing, issue
振出す: huridasu: shake out, draw (a bill), remit
振出に戻る: huridashinimodoru: make a new start <<<
振出地: huridashichi: place of issue <<<
振出人: huridashinin: drawer (of a bill), remitter (of a money order) <<<
振出手形: huridashitegata: bill of exchange <<< 手形
check also 振込


pronunciation: henkin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: bank   
translation: repayment, refundment
返金する: henkinsuru: return the money, pay back, refund


pronunciation: yokin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: bank   
translation: deposit, money on deposit, bank account
預金する: yokinsuru: bank (v.), deposit money (in a bank)
預金係: yokingakari: deposit teller <<<
預金者: yokinsha: depositor <<<
預金者保護: yokinshahogo: depositor protection <<< 保護
預金高: yokindaka: deposited amount <<<
預金勘定: yokinkanjou: deposit account <<< 勘定
預金口座: yokinkouza <<< 口座
預金準備: yokinjunbi: deposit reserve <<< 準備
預金準備率: yokinjunbiritsu: deposit reserve rate <<<
預金証書: yokinshousho: deposit receipt [certificate] <<< 証書
預金通貨: yokintsuuka: deposit money [currency] <<< 通貨
預金通帳: yokintsuuchou: deposit passbook <<< 通帳
預金手形: yokintegata: certificate of deposit <<< 手形
預金利子: yokinrishi: interest on a deposit <<< 利子
預金残高: yokinzandaka: savings balance <<< 残高
check also 貯金


pronunciation: rishi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: bank   
translation: interest
利子が付く: rishigatsuku: bear [yield] interest <<<
利子を生む: rishioumu <<<
利子所得: rishishotoku: income from interests <<< 所得
利子計算: rishikeisan: interest-calculation, calculation of interest <<< 計算
無利子で: murishide: without [free of] interest <<<
synonyms: 利息

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