Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: weather

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 12
translation: cool, cold, poor, ignoble
寒い: samui: cool, cold, chilly
寒さ: samusa: coolness, coldness
寒がる: samugaru: complain of the cold, be sensitive to the cold, feel the cold
寒がり: samugari: person sensitive to [who quickly feels] the cold
寒がりの人: samugarinohito <<<
寒しい: iyashii: poor, ignoble <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 12
translation: warm, hot
暑い: atsui
暑い日: atsuihi: hot [warm] day <<<
antonyms: ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 12
translation: good weather
晴れる: hareru: clear away, stop raining
晴れて居る: hareteiru: be fine [clear, fair, cloudless] <<<
晴れ: hare: good weather, formal occasion (jp.)
晴らす: harasu: dispel (doubts etc., jp.)
晴れ渡る: harewataru: clear up <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 12
translation: cloud
雲: kumo
雲が出る: kumogaderu: The clouds rise [come up, gather], The sky is clouded [overcast] <<<
雲が湧く: kumogawaku <<<
雲が切れる: kumogakireru: The clouds break [lift] <<<
雲が晴れる: kumogahareru <<<
雲の無い: kumononai: cloudless <<<
雲が掛かった: kumogakakatta: clouded <<<
雲に覆われた: kumonioowareta: covered [veiled] by the clouds <<<
雲の峰: kumonomine: column [bank] of clouds <<<
雲を突く様な: kumootsukuyouna: towering, skyscraping, giant, colossal <<< 巨大
雲を掴む様な: kumootsukamuyouna: vague, visionary, fantastic, like a wild-goose chase
check also

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 12
translation: hot, warm
on, un
温か: atataka
温かい: atatakai
温める: atatameru: warm up, heat (v.), reheat
温め直す: atatamenaosu: reheat, warm up again <<<
温まる: atatamaru: warm oneself, get warm
温か味: atatakami: warmth, heat, geniality <<<
温み: nukumi: (slight) warmth, lukewarmness
温もり: nukumori
温める: nukumeru: warm up
温まる: nukumaru: warm oneself, get warm
温もる: nukumoru
温い: nurui: tepid

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 13
translation: warm, mild, temperate, kind
dan, non
暖か: atataka: warm (a.), mild, temperate, kind
暖かい: atatakai
暖かい人: atatakaihito: warmhearted person <<<
暖かい家庭: atatakaikatei: cheerful [sweet] home
暖かみ: atatakami: warmth, heat, geniality
暖かく: atatakaku: warmly, kindly
暖かく成る: atatakakunaru: grow [get] warmer <<<
暖める: atatameru: warm (v.), heat
暖まる: atatamaru: warm oneself, get warm
暖を取る: dannotoru: warm oneself <<<
check also , 親切

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: food , weather    nb of strokes: 13
translation: hemp stalk, steam (bor.)
jou, shou
蒸す: musu: steam (vt.)
蒸らす: murasu
蒸れる: mureru: be steamed
蒸し暑い: mushiatsui: sultry, muggy, soggy <<<
蒸し暑さ: mushiatsusa: damp heat <<<
蒸し返す: mushikaesu: steam over again, bring up (the settled matter) again, harp on, sing the same line, repeat, adapt <<<
蒸し返し: mushikaeshi: resteaming, repetition, revival, adaptation <<<
蒸: ogara: hemp stalk
蒸: moromoro: all, every

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: music , weather    nb of strokes: 7
translation: blow, puff, breathe, whistle, spout, spurt, gush, boast, brag
吹く: huku: blow, puff out, breathe, play on, sound, whistle, spout, spurt [gush, send] out, emit, boast, talk big [tall], brag, melt (iron etc., jp.)
吹き降ろす: hukiorosu: blow down <<<
吹き返す: hukikaesu: come to oneself [life again] <<<
吹き掛ける: hukikakeru: blow upon, spurt, breathe upon, spray upon, pick a quarrel, overcharge <<<
吹っ掛ける: hukkakeru: challenge (a person), pick a quarrel with (a person), ask an unreasonable price, overcharge <<<
吹き消す: hukikesu: blow out <<<
吹き込む: hukikomu: blow into, breathe into, put on record, have recorded, inspire <<<
吹き荒ぶ: hukisusabu: rage, blow violently [furiously] <<<
吹き倒す: hukitaosu: blow down <<<
吹き出す: hukidasu: begin to blow, rise, , spout, spurt [gush] out, blow up, burst into laughter <<<
吹き散らす: hukichirasu: blow about, scatter <<<
吹き飛ばす: hukitobasu: blow off [carry] off [away] <<<
吹き払う: hukiharau: blow off [away], dissipate <<<
吹き捲る: hukimakuru: sweep along [over], blow about, rage <<<
吹き止む: hukiyamu: blow over, cease to blow, go down, subside <<<
吹: kaze: pers.

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 9
translation: ruin, devastate, wreck
荒れる: areru: run waste, fall to ruin
荒らす: arasu: devastate, wreck, ruin
荒い: arai: violent (jp.)
荒: are: storm (jp.), chaps (of skin)
荒れ狂う: arekuruu: rage (v.) <<<
荒む: susamu: grow wild, lead a wild life

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 10
translation: freeze, congeal
凍る: kooru: freeze (vi.), congeal
凍った: kootta: frozen
凍らす: koorasu: freeze (vt.), let freeze
凍える: kogoeru: be frozen
凍て付く: itetsuku: freeze <<<
凍て付いた道: itetsuitamichi: frozen road
check also

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