Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: finance

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Direct access: 帳面 , 定期 , 抵当 , 手元 , 店頭 , 倒産 , 当座 , 特定 , 成金 , 年金


pronunciation: choumen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance , education   
translation: notebook, account book
帳面に付ける: choumennnitsukeru: make an entry, enter in a book (ledger), put down in a notebook <<<
帳面を付ける: choumennotsukeru: keep (maintain) account
check also 帳簿 , ノート


pronunciation: teiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport , finance   
translation: regularity, periodicity, pass ticket, season ticket
定期の: teikino: regular, periodic, periodical
定期的: teikiteki <<<
定期的に: teikitekini: at a fixed time, periodically, at regular intervals, regularly
定期券: teikiken: season ticket, commutation ticket <<<
定期券で通う: teikikendekayou: commute <<<
定期船: teikisen: regular liner <<<
定期航路: teikikouro: regular line <<< 航路
定期年金: teikinenkin: terminable annuity <<< 年金
定期貯金: teikichokin: fixed time deposit <<< 貯金
定期検査: teikikensa: periodical inspection <<< 検査


pronunciation: teitou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance , realty   
translation: mortgage (n.)
抵当に入れる: teitouniireru: mortgage (v.) <<<
抵当流れ: teitounagare: foreclosure (n.) <<<
抵当貸: teitougashi: mortgage loan <<<
抵当金: teitoukin: mortgage money <<<
抵当権: teitouken: mortgage, hypothec <<<
抵当権者: teitoukensha: mortgagee <<<
抵当権設定者: teitoukensetteisha: mortgagor, mortgager
抵当物: teitoubutsu: a mortgage, security, pledge <<<
抵当物を流す: teitoubutsuonagasu: foreclose a mortgage <<<
抵当証書: teitoushousho: mortgage bond <<< 証書
抵当債務: teitousaimu: mortgage debt <<< 債務
check also , 担保


pronunciation: temoto   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 手許   keyword: finance   
translation: hands, hold, grip, skill, pecuniary circumstance, financial situation [state, conditions, circumstances]
手元に: temotoni: at hand, ready to one's hand, within reach (of), about [by] one, under one's care
手元に置く: temotonioku: keep (a thing) at hand <<<
手元に有る: temotoniaru: be near at hand, have (a thing) by one <<<
手元が苦しい: temotogakurushii: be hard up, be pressed for money <<<
手元が狂う: temotogakuruu: miss one's aim, fail to show one's usual skill <<<
check also , 腕前


pronunciation: tentou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: shop , finance   
translation: shop front, shop window
店頭に出す: tentounidasu: put (articles) on sale <<<
店頭に飾る: tentounikazaru: display (articles) in a shop window <<<
店頭に並べる: tentouninaraberu <<<
店頭価格: tentoukakaku: shop price, retail price <<< 価格
店頭市場: tentoushijou: over-the-counter market <<< 市場
店頭取引: tentoutorihiki: over-the-counter dealings <<< 取引
店頭装飾: tentousoushoku: window dressing <<< 装飾
店頭陳列: tentouchinretsu: window display <<< 陳列


pronunciation: tousan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business , finance   
translation: bankruptcy (of a company), insolvency, bank failure
倒産する: tousansuru: go [become] bankrupt [insolvent]
check also 破産


pronunciation: touza   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: temporality, current deposit [account]
当座の: touzano: temporary, present, immediate
当座は: touzawa: for a while [time], for the present, for the time being
当座の所: touzanotokoro <<<
当座凌ぎ: touzashinogi: temporary expedient, makeshift <<<
当座を開く: touzaohiraku: open a current account <<<
当座帳: touzachou: rough book, daybook <<<
当座預金: touzayokin: current deposit [account] <<< 預金
当座勘定: touzakanjou: account current <<< 勘定
当座勘定簿: touzakanjoubo: account-current book <<< 簿
check also 当分


pronunciation: tokutei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: specification, determination
特定の: tokuteino: (specially) fixed, specific, specified, given
特定する: tokuteisuru: specify, determine
特定物: tokuteibutsu: specific thing <<<
特定財源: tokuteizaigen: specific funds
特定財産: tokuteizaisan: specific property <<< 財産
特定銘柄: tokuteimeigara: specific stocks <<< 銘柄
特定料金: tokuteiryoukin: special fee [fare] <<< 料金
check also 特別


pronunciation: narikin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: new rich, nouveau riche, moneyed upstart, overnight millionaire
成金趣味: narikinshumi: interests [taste] of newly rich <<< 趣味


pronunciation: nenkin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life , finance   
translation: pension, annuity
年金受領者: nenkinjuryousha: pensioner, annuitant

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