Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: greeting

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Direct access: , , , , エチケット , ハロー , マナー , レディー

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: greeting    nb of strokes: 9
translation: fear, awe, dread
畏れる: osoreru: be overawed, stand in awe (of) <<<
畏し: kashikoshi: thankful (jp.), grateful
畏まる: kashikomaru: sit straight [respectfully], be serous, stand on ceremony
畏まりました: kashikomarimashita: Very good [well] sir, All right sir, Certainly sir
畏: kashiko: Best regards (female expression)

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: greeting    nb of strokes: 13
translation: pretense, apology, excuse
詫び: wabi: apology, excuse
詫びを入れる: wabioireru: apologize to (a person for), make an apology [excuse] (for), be a person's pardon <<<
詫びる: wabiru
詫つ: kakotsu: make a pretense <<<

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: greeting    nb of strokes: 14
translation: humble, modest, condescend, concede, concession, yield, obey, follow
遜る: yuzuru: concede, make a concession, yield <<<
遜る: herikudaru: humble oneself, be humble, be modest, condescend, grovel <<<
遜う: shitagau: obey, follow, yield to, comply with <<<

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: greeting    nb of strokes: 18
translation: wear, covered, crowned, have a person as (leader)
戴く: itadaku: wear, be covered [crowned] with, have a person as (leader), receive (jp., pol.), accept, have, eat, drink, have (a person) do, have (a person, a matter) done, beg (a person) to do, ask
戴きます: itadakimasu: thank you for the dinner (should be said before eating)
戴いた: itadaita: covered, crowned, received (pol.)


pronunciation: echiketto   etymology: etiquette (fr.)   keyword: greeting   
translation: etiquette, good manners
エチケットを守る: echikettoomamoru: observe etiquette <<<
エチケットに反する: echikettonihansuru: against etiquette <<<
synonyms: 礼儀 , 行儀 , 作法 , マナー


pronunciation: haroo   etymology: hello (eg.)   keyword: greeting   
translation: hello
ハロー・ワーク: haroowaaku: job center
ハロー・キティ: harookiti: Hello Kitty (a Japanese fictional character)


pronunciation: manaa   etymology: manner (eg.)   keyword: greeting   
translation: behavior, manners
マナーの良い: manaanoii: well-mannered <<<
マナーの悪い: manaanowarui: ill-mannered <<<
synonyms: 礼儀 , 行儀 , 作法 , エチケット


pronunciation: redii   etymology: lady (eg.)   keyword: greeting   
translation: lady
レディーらしい: rediirashii: ladylike
レディー・ファースト: rediifaasuto: ladies first <<< ファースト
レディー・ガガ: rediigaga: Lady Gaga
synonyms: 婦人

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