Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'is'

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Direct access: 気候 , 記載 , 旭日 , 距離 , 金利 , 議論 , 景気 , 形勢 , 見解 , 下水


pronunciation: kikou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: climate, weather, season
気候の: kikouno: climatic
気候が良い: kikougaii, kikougayoi: The climate is nice [mild, healthful] <<<
気候が悪い: kikougawarui: The climate is bad [harsh, unhealthful] <<<
気候学: kikougaku: climatology <<<
気候不順: kikouhujun: unseasonable weather
check also 天候


pronunciation: kisai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: administration   
translation: mention (n.), entry
記載する: kisaisuru: mention (v.), enunciate, record, carry, enter
記載が無い: kisaiganai: No mention is made (of) <<<
記載漏れ: kisaimore: omission <<<
記載事項: kisaijikou: mentioned items <<< 事項
check also 記録


pronunciation: kyokujitsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: morning sun, rising sun
旭日章: kyokujitsushou: Order of the Rising Sun <<<
旭日昇天の勢い: kyokujitsushoutennnoikioi: His star is in the ascendant
synonyms: 朝日


pronunciation: kyori   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography , sport   
translation: distance (n.), separation
距離を置く: kyoriooku: maintain a distance <<<
距離を保つ: kyoriotamotsu <<<
距離が有る: kyorigaaru: be distant [far], there is a gap <<<
距離を測る: kyoriohakaru: measure [calculate] the distance <<<
距離計: kyorikei: rangefinder <<<
距離標: kyorihyou: milestone, distance post <<<
距離感: kyorikan: sense of distance <<<
短距離: tankyori: short distance (race) <<<
短距離競走: tankyorikyousou: short-distance race, sprint <<< 競走 , スプリント
近距離: kinkyori: short distance <<<
長距離: choukyori: long distance (race) <<<
長距離競走: choukyorikyousou: long-distance race, marathon race <<< 競走 , マラソン
長距離砲: choukyorihou: long-range gun <<<
長距離電話: choukyoridenwa: long-distance telephone [call], trunk-call <<< 電話
遠距離: enkyori: long [great] distance <<<


pronunciation: kinri   kanji characters: ,    keyword: bank   
translation: rate of interest
金利を上げる: kinrioageru: raise the rate of interest <<<
金利を下げる: kinriosageru: lower the rate of interest <<<
金利が高い: kinrigatakai: The interest rate is high <<<
金利が安い: kinrigayasui: The interest rate is low <<<
金利を生む: kinrioumu: yield interest <<<
金利格差: kinrikakusa: interest differential <<< 格差
金利水準: kinrisuijun: interest rate level <<< 水準
金利生活: kinriseikatsu: living off interest <<< 生活
金利生活者: kinriseikatsusha: rentier <<<
金利で生活する: kinrideseikatsusuru: live off the interest <<< 生活
金利コスト: kinrikosuto: interest cost
check also 利子 , 利息


pronunciation: giron   kanji characters: ,   
translation: argument, discussion, debate (n.), dispute, controversy
議論する: gironsuru: argue (with a person about a matter), discuss (a matter), debate (on), dispute (about, on), contend (about)
議論好きな: gironzukina: argumentative, disputatious <<<
議論に勝つ: gironnnikatsu: have [get] the best of an argument, outargue (a person) <<<
議論に負ける: gironnnimakeru: be defeated in argument, have [get] the worst of an argument <<<
議論の余地が無い: gironnnoyochiganai: It admits of no discussion, It is beyond dispute [question]
check also 審議


pronunciation: keiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: economy , politics   
translation: business conditions, market, economic activities
景気が良い: keikigaii: business is brisk, boom <<<
景気が悪い: keikigawarui: business is dull <<<
景気予測: keikiyosoku: business forecasting <<< 予測
景気指数: keikishisuu: business index <<< 指数
景気循環: keikijunkan: business cycle <<< 循環
景気変動: keikihendou: business fluctuations <<< 変動
景気後退: keikikoutai: business recession <<< 後退
景気上昇: keikijoushou: business upturn <<< 上昇
景気対策: keikitaisaku: economic policy [measure] <<< 対策
不景気: hukeiki: bad times, dullness <<<


pronunciation: keisei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war , sport   
translation: situation, state of things [affairs], outlook, prospect
形勢が良い: keiseigaii: The situation is favorable <<<
形勢が悪い: keiseigawarui: The situation is unfavorable <<<
形勢が悪化する: keiseigaakkasuru: Things are getting worse <<< 悪化
形勢を見る: keiseiomiru: watch the development of affairs, sit one the fence <<<
形勢を観望する: keiseiokanbousuru
形勢が一変する: keiseigaippensuru: The tide turns, The situation takes on a new aspect


pronunciation: kenkai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: media   
translation: opinion, point of view, interpretation
見解を異にする: kenkaiokotonisuru: hold [have] a different view [opinion], differ in opinion (from a person), disagree (with a person) <<<
見解を一にする: kenkaioichinisuru: be of the same opinion (with a person), concur (with a person) <<<
見解が一致する: kenkaigaitchisuru: agree to, pull together <<< 一致
見解の相違だ: kenkainosouida: That is a matter of opinion <<< 相違
私の見解では: watashinokenkaideha: in my opinion [view] <<<
check also 意見 , コメント


pronunciation: gesui   kanji characters: ,    keyword: town , house   
translation: sewer (system), drain, sewerage, sewage, drainage
下水が支えた: gesuigatsukaeta: The drain is stopped up <<<
下水溜め: gesuidame: sink, cesspool <<<
下水口: gesuikou: sinkhole <<<
下水孔: gesuikou <<<
下水管: gesuikan: drainpipe, drains <<<
下水道: gesuidou: sewer <<<
下水工事: gesuikouji: sewerage (works) <<< 工事
下水処理場: gesuishorijou: sewage works [plant]
check also 排水 , 水道

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