Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'is'

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Direct access: 黒白 , 此方 , 今回 , 今日 , 御飯 , 更地 , 仕方 , 釈迦 , 証拠 , 勝負


pronunciation: kokubyaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: color   
translation: black and white, monochrome, right and wrong
黒白を付ける: kokubyakuotsukeru: discriminate between right and wrong, decide which is right <<<
黒白を争う: kokubyakuoarasou: contend as to which is right <<<
synonyms: 白黒
antonyms: カラー


pronunciation: kochira   kanji characters: ,    keyword: position   
translation: this place, here, this side, this direction, this way
此方へ: kochirae: here, hither, this way
此方へどうぞ: kochiraedouzo: This way please
此方は: kochirawa: this is
此方はスミスです: kochirawasumisudesu: This is Mr. Smith calling [speaking]
此方こそ: kochirakoso: The pleasure is all mine
此方側に: kochiragawani: on this side <<<
川の此方側に: kawanokochiragawani: on this side of the river <<<


pronunciation: konkai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: this time, now
今回は違う: konkaiwachigau: this time is different <<<
check also 前回 , 次回 , 今度


pronunciation: konnnichi, kyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar , greeting   
translation: today, nowadays, now
今日は: konnnichiwa, konnnichiwa: good-morning, good-afternoon, good-day, hello, hallo, hi, nowadays
今日は晴天なり: konnnichiwaseitennnari: The weather is fine today (phrase used for a microphone test) <<< 晴天
今日中に: konnnichijuuni, kyoujuuni: this very day <<<
check also 現代 , 今晩


pronunciation: gohan   kanji characters: ,    other spells: ご飯   keyword: food   
translation: boiled rice, meal
御飯を炊く: gohannotaku: boil [cook] rice <<<
御飯を食べる: gohannotaberu: take [have] one's meal <<<
御飯粒: gohantsubu: grain of boiled rice <<<
御飯時: gohandoki: mealtime <<<
御飯蒸: gohanmushi: rice steamer <<<
朝御飯: asagohan: breakfast <<< , 朝飯 , 朝食
昼御飯: hirugohan: lunch, luncheon <<< , 昼飯 , 昼食
夕御飯: yuugohan: dinner, supper <<< , 夕食
晩御飯: bangohan <<<
混ぜ御飯: mazegohan: rice boiled with other ingredients <<<
御飯ですよ: gohandesuyo: come and eat! dinner [lunch] is ready [served]
synonyms: 食事


pronunciation: sarachi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: realty   
translation: a lot [piece of land] where there is no building [house] built


pronunciation: shikata   kanji characters: ,   
translation: method, way, how to do, means
仕方無く: shikatanaku: be obliged [forced, compelled] <<<
仕方無い: shikatanai: It cannot be helped, There is no other choice, Hard luck!
check also 方法 , 手段


pronunciation: shaka   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: Shakyamuni, Sakyamuni, Gautama
釈迦に説法: shakaniseppou: It is like teaching your grandmother how to suck eggs, to bring [carry] coals to Newcastle
check also 如来 ,


pronunciation: shouko   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: evidence, proof, demonstration, testimony
証拠と成る: shoukotonaru: prove, testify, bear witness to, give a proof of, demonstrate, attest <<<
証拠立てる: shoukodateru <<<
証拠固めをする: shoukogatameosuru: gather (collect) evidence <<<
証拠品: shoukohin: piece of evidence <<<
証拠物件: shoukobukken <<< 物件
証拠人: shoukonin: witness <<<
証拠金: shoukokin: deposit money <<<
証拠書類: shoukoshorui: documentary evidence <<< 書類
論より証拠: ronnyorishouko: The proof of the pudding is in the eating <<<
check also 証人


pronunciation: shoubu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: victory or defeat, match, contest, game, bout
勝負する: shoubusuru: have a match [game, bout] (with), contest, fight, try a fall
勝負に勝つ: shoubunikatsu: win a game <<<
勝負に負ける: shoubunimakeru: lose a game <<<
勝負有り: shoubuari: The game is up, Game! <<<
勝負有った: shoubuatta
勝負無し: shoubunashi: draw, tie, standoff <<<
勝負を付ける: shoubuotsukeru: flight to the finish, settle the day <<<
勝負を決する: shoubuokessuru <<<
勝負事: shoubugoto: game of skill, game of chance, gambling <<<
勝負師: shoubushi: crack player, gambler <<<
check also 試合 , マッチ , ギャンブル

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