Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 's'

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Direct access: 漢方 , 外出 , 学士 , 学生 , 学籍 , 学問 , 学課 , 学校 , 我慢 , 眼鏡


pronunciation: kanpou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: drug   
translation: Chinese method [school]
漢方医: kanpoui: Chinese herbal doctor <<<
漢方薬: kanpouyaku: Chinese medicine <<<
漢方屋: kanpouya: herbalist's shop <<<


pronunciation: gaishutsu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: going out
外出する: gaishutsusuru: go out
外出しない: gaishutsushinai: stay at home, remain [keep] in doors
外出着: gaishutsugi: street wear <<<
外出中: gaishutsuchuu: be out [absent] <<<
外出中に: gaishutsuchuuni: while one is out, in one's absence
外出時: gaishutsuji: outgoing time <<<
外出時間: gaishutsujikan <<<
外出日: gaishutsubi: outgoing day <<<
外出禁止: gaishutsukinshi: curfew
外出許可: gaishutsyoka: permission to go out <<< 許可
外出証: gaishutsushou: vacation form [certificate] <<<


pronunciation: gakushi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: bachelor, university graduate
学士号: gakushigou: bachelor's degree <<<
学士会: gakushikai: university alumni association <<<
学士会館: gakushikaikan: university graduates' club <<< 会館
文学士: bungakushi: bachelor of arts <<<
理学士: rigakushi: bachelor of science <<<
法学士: hougakushi: bachelor of laws, LLB <<<
check also 博士


pronunciation: gakusei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: student (n.)
学生の: gakuseino: student (a.)
学生服: gakuseihuku: school uniform <<<
学生証: gakuseshou: student identification card <<<
学生時代: gakuseijidai: school days
学生生活: gakuseiseikatsu: student life <<< 生活
学生運動: gakuseiundou: student movement [activism] <<< 運動
学生割引: gakuseiwaribiki: student rate, price reduction for students <<< 学割
学生食堂: gakuseishokudou: student's cafeteria [canteen]
学生会館: gakuseikaikan: student club <<< 会館
女学生: jogakusei: female student <<<
医学生: igakusei: medical student <<<
check also 生徒


pronunciation: gakuseki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: school [college] registration
学籍簿: gakusekibo: school [college] register <<< 簿
学籍に入れる: gakusekiniireru: put a person's name one the school register <<<
学籍から除く: gakusekikaranozoku: strike a person's name off the school register <<<


pronunciation: gakumon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education , science   
translation: learning, study, scholarship, knowledge
学問の: gakumonnno: academic
学問する: gakumonsuru: study (v.), pursue one's study
学問の有る: gakumonnnoaru: learned, educated <<<
学問の無い: gakumonnnonai: uneducated, illiterate <<<


pronunciation: gakka   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: one's lessons, school work
学課を復習する: gakkaohukushuusuru: review one's lessons <<< 復習
学課を予習する: gakkaoyoshuusuru: prepare one's lessons <<< 予習
学課時間表: gakkajikanhyou: schedule of lesson hours
check also 学科 , レッスン


pronunciation: gakkou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: school, college, educational institution
学校へ行く: gakkoueiku: attend [go to] school <<<
学校へ上げる: gakkoueageru: send (a child) to school <<<
学校を休む: gakkouoyasumu: stay away [be absent] from school <<<
学校を出る: gakkouoderu: leave school, graduate from college <<<
学校を辞める: gakkouoyameru: give up school, drop out of school <<<
学校医: gakkoui: school doctor [physician] <<<
学校友達: gakkoutomodachi: schoolmate
学校給食: gakkoukyuushoku: school lunch
学校新聞: gakkoushinbun: school paper
学校時代: gakkoujidai: one's school days
学校生活: gakkouseikatsu: one's school life <<< 生活
学校用品: gakkouyouhin: school things
学校教育: gakkoukyouiku: school education, schooling
学校制度: gakkouseido: school system <<< 制度
女学校: jogakkou: girls' school <<<
synonyms: 学園 , 学院


pronunciation: gaman   kanji characters: ,   
translation: patience, perseverance, tolerance
我慢する: gamansuru: bear, endure, stand, forbear, put up with, tolerate
我慢強い: gamanZuyoi: patient, persevering <<<
我慢強く: gamanZuyoku: patiently
我慢出来る: gamandekiru: bearable, tolerable <<< 出来
我慢出来ない: gamandekinai: unbearable, intolerable
痩せ我慢: yasegaman: strained endurance, sham courage <<<
痩せ我慢する: yasegamansuru: try to endure beyond one's strength, bear out of pride, endure for the sake of bride
check also 堪忍


pronunciation: gankyou, megane   kanji characters: ,    other spells: メガネ   keyword: accessory , optics   
translation: (pair of) glasses [spectacles]
眼鏡を掛ける: meganeokakeru: wear [put on] spectacles <<<
眼鏡を掛けた: meganeokaketa: with glasses, bespectacled
眼鏡を外す: meganeohazusu: take off one's glasses <<<
眼鏡の縁: meganenohuchi: rim of glasses, spectacle frame <<<
眼鏡のフレーム: meganenohureemu
眼鏡の弦: meganenotsuru: leg of glasses <<<
眼鏡の玉: meganenotama: spectacles glass, ophthalmic lens <<<
眼鏡入れ: meganeire: spectacle case <<<
眼鏡ケース: meganekeesu
眼鏡に適う: meganenikanau: win a person's heart, find favor with <<<
眼鏡越しに: meganegoshini: over (the rim of) one's spectacles [glasses] <<<
眼鏡越しに見る: meganegoshinimiru: look over (the rim of) one's spectacles, glance at (a person) from over one's glasses <<<
眼鏡屋: meganeya: optician <<<
片眼鏡: katamegane: monocle <<<
鼻眼鏡: hanamegane: pince-nez <<<

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