Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'lag'

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Direct access: 落伍 , 時差 , , , , タイム


pronunciation: rakugo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: lag (n.)
落伍する: rakugosuru: drop behind [out of line], straggle, lag (v.)
落伍者: rakugosha: straggler, social failure <<<
check also 失敗


pronunciation: jisa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: difference in time, equation of time
時差惚け: jisaboke: jet lag [fatigue] <<<
時差出勤: jisashukkin: staggered office hours <<< 出勤
時差通勤: jisatsuukin <<< 通勤
check also 時間

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 12
translation: late, slow, wait for
遅れる: okureru: be late, be behind time
遅らす: okurasu: delay, defer
遅らせる: okuraseru
遅い: osoi: late (a.), slow, tardy
遅れ: okure: delay, lag
遅れを取る: okureotoru: be behind others, be beaten [defeated] <<<
遅れを取り戻す: okureotorimodosu: catch up on a delay
遅く: osoku: late (adv.), slowly
遅くとも: osokutomo: at (the) least
遅くまで: osokumade: to lately
遅く成る: osokunaru: be late, be behind time, decelerate <<<
遅かれ早かれ: osokarehayakare: sooner or later <<<
遅つ: matsu: wait for, await <<<
check also ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position , construction    nb of strokes: 5
translation: stand, rise, erect, build
ritsu, ryuu
立つ: tatsu: stand up, rise (to one's feet), stand, erect, be built [established, founded], start, depart, set off [out], evaporate, rise up, go up
立てる: tateru: stand, put [set] up, hoist, plant, turn up, build, construct, erect, establish, found, organize, form [make] (a plan), frame, lay down, map out, advance, regard, respect, rise in the world, establish oneself
立て掛ける, 立て懸ける: tatekakeru: put [rest, lean] (a thing) against
立て籠もる: tatekomoru: hold (a position), shut oneself up <<<
立て込む: tatekomu: be pressed with business, be busy (with), be crowded [packed] (with) <<<
立て続けに: tatetsuZukeni: in succession, on end <<<
立ち止まる: tachidomaru: (come to a) pause [stop], halt, stand still <<<
立ち塞がる: tachihusagaru: block [bar, stand in] one's way (to), stand in front of (a person), confront <<<
立ち回る: tachimawaru: move about, act, maneuver <<<
立ち戻る: tachimodoru: come [go] back (from), return, retrace one's steps <<<
立ち向かう: tachimukau: fight against, confront (one's adversary), face (the enemy, oppose (a person) <<<
立ち上がる: tachiagaru: rise, go up, ascend <<<
立ち退く: tachinoku: quit, leave, remove, vacate, evacuate <<< 退
立ち後れる: tachiokureru: be handicapped at the start, lag (behind), miss the good time to stand <<<
立ち去る: tachisaru: quit, leave, go away (from), depart (from) <<<
立ち竦む: tachisukumu: be petrified [paralyzed, unable to move] with fear), be transfixed on the spot, stand shuddering <<<
立ち寄る: tachiyoru: call (on a person, at a house), drop [look] in (on a person, at a house), step by [in], visit, stop, touch at <<<
立ち行く: tachiyuku, tachiiku: can get along, can be kept up <<<
立ち会う: tachiau: attend [be present] at, be a witness to [of] <<<
立ち返る: tachikaeru: come back, return <<<
立ち働く: tachihataraku: go about one's work <<<
立ち直る: tachinaoru: regain one's footing, recover (oneself), rally, improve <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: life , society    nb of strokes: 5
translation: times, age, epoch, period, reign, world, life
se, sei
世: yo
世の常: yonotsune: way of the world, common occurrence <<<
世に稀な: yonimarena: rarest in the world, matchless, unique <<<
世に出る: yonideru: see the light, come into the world, rise [make one's way] in the world, get on in life <<<
世に入れられない: yoniirerarenai: be unappreciated, be shut out of society, be rejected by the world <<<
世に逆らう: yonisakarau: swim against the stream of the world <<<
世を厭う: yooitou: be weary of life <<<
世を驚かす: yooodorokasu: astonish the world <<<
世を捨てる: yoosuteru: renounce[hide oneself from] the world, retire from the world <<<
世を去る: yoosaru: die, leave this world <<< ,
世を渡る: yoowataru: get along the world <<<
世が世なら: yogayonara: in better times, if times had not changed
世に遅れる: yoniokureru: fall [lag] behind the times <<<


pronunciation: taimu   etymology: time (eg.), thyme (eg.)   keyword: time , plant   
translation: time (n.), break, thyme
タイムを計る: taimuohakaru: time (v.) <<<
タイム・スイッチ: taimusuitchi: time switch, timer <<< スイッチ , タイマー
タイム・カード: taimukaado: time card <<< カード
タイム・レコーダー: taimurekoodaa: time clock, time recorder <<< レコーダー
タイム・マシン: taimumashin: time machine
タイム・カプセル: taimukapuseru: time capsule <<< カプセル
タイム・キーパー: taimukiipaa: timekeeper
タイム・リミット: taimurimitto: time limit
タイム・ラグ: taimuragu: time-lag
タイム・ゾーン: taimuzoon: time zone
アクセスタイム: akusesutaimu: access time <<< アクセス
ハーフタイム: haahutaimu: half time <<< ハーフ
ランチ・タイム: ranchitaimu: lunchtime <<< ランチ
ラップ・タイム: rapputaimu: lap time <<< ラップ
ゴールデン・タイム: goorudentaimu: prime time <<< ゴールデン
ティー・タイム: tiitaimu: teatime <<< ティー
フル・タイム: hurutaimu: full time <<< フル
サマー・タイム: samaataimu: daylight-saving time, summer time <<< サマー
コーヒー・タイム: koohiitaimu: coffee time, coffee break <<< コーヒー
ペナルティ・タイム: penarutitaimu: penalty time <<< ペナルティ
オーバー・タイム: oobaataimu: overtime <<< オーバー
synonyms: 時間
check also タイミング , タイムズ

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