Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'pride'

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Direct access: 矜持 , 自負 , 自慢 , 意地 , 見識 , 高慢 , 得意 , 我慢 , 祖先 ,


pronunciation: kyouji   kanji characters:   
translation: pride (n.), dignity
矜持する: kyoujisuru: pride (v.)
synonyms: 自負 , 自慢 ,


pronunciation: jihu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: pretension, pride
自負する: jihusuru: self-conceited, flatter oneself, pretend
自負心: jihushin: self-conceit, self-confidence <<<
自負心の強い: jihushinnnotsuyoi: conceited, full of one's own importance <<<
synonyms: 自慢 , 矜持 ,


pronunciation: jiman   kanji characters: ,   
translation: pride, boast, vanity
自慢する: jimansuru: boast [brag] of, be proud [vain, boastful] of, bride oneself (on), swagger
自慢の: jimannno: of which one is proud
自慢らしく: jimanrashiku: proudly, boastfully
自慢そうに: jimansouni
自慢気に: jimangeni <<<
自慢顔に: jimangaoni <<<
自慢話: jimanbanashi: bragging, boasting <<<
synonyms: 自負 , 矜持 ,


pronunciation: iji   kanji characters: ,   
translation: temper, disposition, perverseness, obstinacy, will, pride
意地の汚い: ijinokitanai: greedy <<<
意地悪: ijiwaru: nastiness, malice, maliciousness, viciousness <<<
意地悪な: ijiwaruna: ill-natured, cross, nasty, malicious, vicious, pernicious
意地の悪い: ijinowarui
意地が悪い: ijigawarui: be ill-natured, have bad idea
意地悪く: ijiwaruku: ill-naturedly, unfortunately
意地っ張りの: ijipparino: obstinate, stubborn <<< , 頑固
意地が有る: ijigaaru: have a strong will, have backbone <<<
意地を通す: ijiotoosu: have one's will [one's own way] <<<
意地を張る: ijioharu: be [grow] obstinate [stubborn] <<<
意地に成る: ijininaru <<<
意地に成って: ijininatte: stubbornly, doggedly


pronunciation: kenshiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: opinion, view, discernment, knowledge, information, pride
見識が高い: kenshikigatakai: have opinion of one's own, have a broad [profound] vision, have much pride <<<
見識が有る: kenshikigaaru <<<
見識の有る人: kenshikinoaruhito: man of insight [principle]
見識張る: kenshikibaru: stand upon dignity, assume an air of importance <<<
check also プライド


pronunciation: kouman   kanji characters: ,   
translation: pride, vainglory, self-conceit, haughtiness, arrogance
高慢な: koumannna: proud, vainglorious, conceited, haughty, arrogant
高慢ちきな: koumanchikina
高慢な顔をする: koumannnakaoosuru: look proud [big, haughty], give oneself airs <<<
高慢ぶる: koumanburu
高慢の鼻を挫く: koumannnohanaokujiku: humble (a person in his pride), crop a person's feathers
高慢の鼻を圧し折る: koumannnohanaoheshioru
check also 傲慢 , 自惚れ


pronunciation: tokui   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education , business   
translation: pride, self-complaisance, one's speciality, one's forte, customer, patron, client, clientele, custom
得意に成る: tokuininaru: be proud (of), pride oneself (on), have [take] pride (in) <<<
得意がる: tokuigaru
得意に成って: tokuininatte: triumphantly, elatedly, with a proud air
得意な顔: tokuinakao: proud [triumphant] look <<<
得意の歌: tokuinouta: one's favorite song <<<
得意が付く: tokuigatsuku: gain custom <<<
得意が減る: tokuigaheru: lose custom <<<
得意が多い: tokuigaooi: have a wide clientele [client base] <<<
得意回りをする: tokuimawariosuru: go round asking for orders, go the rounds of one's customers <<<
得意先: tokuisaki: customer, patron, client, clientele, custom <<<
上得意: joutokui: good customer <<<
常得意: joutokui: regular customer <<<
check also 苦手


pronunciation: gaman   kanji characters: ,   
translation: patience, perseverance, tolerance
我慢する: gamansuru: bear, endure, stand, forbear, put up with, tolerate
我慢強い: gamanZuyoi: patient, persevering <<<
我慢強く: gamanZuyoku: patiently
我慢出来る: gamandekiru: bearable, tolerable <<< 出来
我慢出来ない: gamandekinai: unbearable, intolerable
痩せ我慢: yasegaman: strained endurance, sham courage <<<
痩せ我慢する: yasegamansuru: try to endure beyond one's strength, bear out of pride, endure for the sake of bride
check also 堪忍


pronunciation: sosen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family   
translation: ancestor, forefather, progenitor
祖先の系図: sosennnokeizu: genealogy, ancestor chart, family tree, pedigree <<< 系図
祖先崇拝: sosensuuhai: ancestor worship <<< 崇拝
祖先自慢: sosenjiman: ancestral pride <<< 自慢
check also 先祖

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: pride, haughty
ko, ka
誇り: hokori: pride
誇る: hokoru: be proud (of), take pride (in), be haughty
誇りに思う: hokoriniomou: be proud (of), take pride (in) <<<
誇りとする: hokoritosuru
誇りを傷つける: hokoriokizutsukeru: hurt a person's pride <<<
誇り高き: hokoritakaki: glorious, proud <<< , 栄光
誇らしい: hokorashii: proud, boastful, triumphant
誇らしげに: hokorashigeni: proudly, boastfully, triumphantly
Kanji words: 誇大 , 誇示 , 誇張
Expressions: 咲き誇る , 勝ち誇る , 勝ち誇って
synonyms: プライド
check also 自慢

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