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category: to learn in school
keyword: shape
Number of strokes: 3
translation: ball, round, circle, ring
丸: maru: round (n.), circle, suffix of ship's name (jp.)
丸ごと: marugoto: wholly, entirely
丸で: marude: completely, entirely, utterly, altogether
丸で囲む: marudekakomu: encircle <<<
丸い: marui: round (a.), circular
丸く: maruku: round (adv.), in a circle
丸く成る: marukunaru: round (vi.), roll up into a ball <<<
丸まる: marumaru
丸くする: marukusuru: round, make round, round off, round up
丸める: marumeru: round (vt.), make round, make (a thing) into a ball, crumple (a piece of paper) into a ball, curl up, charm the pants off sb., twist sb. around [round] one's (little) finger
丸く治める: marukuosameru: settle (the affair) amicably, smooth over (a quarrel) <<<
丸: tama: ball, bullet, shell <<<
Kanji words: 丸太 , 睾丸 , 弾丸
Expressions: 丸括弧 , 丸暗記 , 丸暗記する

category: to learn in school
keyword: nature
Number of strokes: 8
translation: rock, crag
岩: iwa
岩だらけの: iwadarakeno: rocky, craggy
岩の多い: iwanoooi <<<
Kanji words: 岩石 , 岩盤 , 礫岩 , 溶岩 , 花崗岩 , 岩燕 , 岩手
Expressions: 火山岩 , 石灰岩 , 玄武岩 , 玄武岩の , 堆積岩 , 岩清水 , 屏風岩 , 一枚岩
synonyms: ロック
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: geography
Number of strokes: 8
translation: coast, shore, bank
岸: kishi
の岸で: nokishide: on the shore of
Kanji words: 河岸 , 川岸 , 岸壁 , 沿岸 , 海岸 , 彼岸 , 対岸
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 11
translation: eye, vision
gan, gen
眼: manako: eye
眼: me: eye, vision <<<
Kanji words: 肉眼 , 一眼 , 眼鏡 , 老眼 , 眼球 , 裸眼 , 眼科
Expressions: 批評眼 , 団栗眼 , 団栗眼の , 千里眼 , 千里眼の , 観察眼 , 乱視眼

category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 18
translation: face, look (n.), aspect, appearance, countenance, features, expression, honor
顔: kao: face, look (n.), aspect, appearance, countenance, features, expression, honor
顔を赤くする: kaooakakusuru: blush, color (up) <<<
顔を赤くして: kaooakakushite: with a blush <<<
顔を洗う: kaookaooarau: wash one's face <<<
顔を合わせる: kaooawaseru: meet face to face (with) <<<
顔を出す: kaoodasu: show one's face, appear, show [turn] up <<<
顔を顰める: kaooshikameru: make faces <<<
顔が潰れる: kaogatsubureru: lose face [prestige], be humiliated <<<
顔を潰す: kaootsubusu: put (a person) out of countenance <<<
顔に係る: kaonikakawaru: affect one's honor <<<
顔を立てる: kaootateru: save a person's face [honor] <<<
顔が広い: kaogahiroi: have a large circle of acquaintance, be popular, be widely known <<<
顔が利く: kaogakiku: have an influence <<<
顔を利かす: kaookikasu: use [exercise] one's influence <<<
顔に泥を塗る: kaonidoroonuru: disgrace (a person), bring disgrace on (a person), stain a person's good name
Kanji words: 朝顔 , 顔面 , 素顔 , 笑顔 , 顔立ち , 顔色 , 横顔
Expressions: 苦い顔をする , 渋い顔をする , 難しい顔をする , 涼しい顔をする , 惚けた顔をする , 嫌な顔をする , 偉そうな顔をする , 真面目な顔をする , 高慢な顔をする , 顔の輪郭 , 主人顔をする , 得意な顔 , 深刻な顔をする , 自慢顔に , 憂鬱な顔をする , 陰気な顔をする
synonyms: , フェイス

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 19
translation: pray, wish, desire, beg, request
gan, gen
願: gan: wish, desire, beg, request
願が適う: gangakanau: One's prayer is answered <<<
願を掛ける: gannokakeru: make a vow (to a god) <<<
願う: negau: wish (v.), desire, beg, entreat, implore, petition, pray, request
願い: negai: wish (n.), desire, petition
願い下げる: negaisageru: withdraw a request [suit] <<<
願い出る: negaideru: make an application to (a person), apply (to a person for a thing) <<<
願いが叶う: negaigakanau: have one's wishes granted, have one's prayer answered, One's wishes come true, One's prayer is heard [answered] <<<
願いを聞き入れる: negaiokikiireru: grant a person's request
願いを聞き入れない: negaiokikiirenai: refuse a person's request
願ったり叶ったり: negattarikanattari: Everything has turned out in my favor <<<
願わくば: negawakuba: hopefully
願わしい: negawashii: desirable, preferable <<<
お願い: onegai: please
お願いします: onegaishimasu: please (pol.)
Kanji words: 祈願 , 出願 , 念願 , 悲願 , 御願 , 志願 , 願望 , 請願 , 本願 , 哀願
Expressions: 叶わぬ願い , 捜索願 , 辞職願 , 休暇願

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 7
translation: contain, include
含む: hukumu: contain, include
含める: hukumeru: include, instruct (jp.), tell (a person) beforehand
含みの有る: hukuminoaru: suggestive <<<
Kanji words: 含有 , 含み益 , 含み損
Expressions: 燐を含んだ , 窒素を含んだ , 水銀を含む , 沃素を含んだ , 糖分を含んだ , 糖分を含む , 因果を含める , 乳房を含ませる , ビタミンを含む

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: stubborn, obstinate, bigoted, headstrong
頑なな: katakunana: stubborn, obstinate, bigoted, headstrong
頑なに: katakunani: stubbornly, obstinately
Kanji words: 頑張 , 頑強 , 頑固 , 頑丈
synonyms: 頑固

category: JIS1
keyword: bird
Number of strokes: 12
translation: goose, wild goose
雁: kari: wild goose
Kanji words: 雁擬き
related words: 鵞鳥

category: JIS1
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 17
translation: cancer
癌の: gannno: cancerous
Kanji words: 肺癌 , 胃癌 , 乳癌
Expressions: 皮膚癌 , 咽喉癌 , 直腸癌 , 膵臓癌 , 肝臓癌 , 食道癌 , 子宮癌

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