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Direct access: 熱望 , 時々 , 方々 , 愛想 , 合間 , 明方 , 挙句 , 朝方 , 朝飯 , 足下


pronunciation: netsubou
kanji characters: ,
translation: an ardent wish [desire], fervent hope
熱望する: netsubousuru: aspire (to, after, at, to do), desire [hope] eagerly [earnestly], be eager [anxious] (to do, for a thing), be dying (to do, for a thing), covet
synonyms: 切望 , 願望


pronunciation: tokidoki
kanji characters:
other spells: 時時
keyword: calendar
translation: sometimes, occasionally, at times, once in a while, now and then, often, frequently, now and then, from time to time
related words: 度々


pronunciation: houbou
kanji characters:
other spells: 方方
keyword: position
translation: here and there, far and near, at different quarters, in all directions
方々に: houbouni
方々で: houboude
方々から: houboukara: from all directions
方々へ: houboue: to all directions


pronunciation: aisou, aiso
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: kindness, courtesy
愛想の良い: aisounoii: amiable, sociable, affable, agreeable, fair-spoken <<<
愛想を良くする: aisouoyokusuru: be affable (to), make oneself agreeable (to)
愛想良く: aisouyoku: amiably, hospitably, cordially, sleekly
愛想の悪い: aisounowarui: cold, unsociable, inhospitable, blunt <<<
愛想の無い: aisounonai <<<
愛想を尽かす: aisouotsukasu: be disgusted (with, at by) <<<
愛想が尽きる: aisougatsukiru
愛想を尽かされる: aisouotsukasareru: be given up (by)
愛想笑い: aisouwarai: ingratiating smile <<<
related words: 御世辞 , 愛嬌


pronunciation: aima
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: interval, leisure, pause
合間に: aimani: in the interval (of), at odd moments
合間合間に: aimaaimani: at intervals
合間仕事: aimashigoto: odd [side] job <<< 仕事
話の合間に: hanashinoaimani: in pauses of the conversation <<<


pronunciation: akegata
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 明け方
keyword: time
translation: dawn, daybreak
明方に: akegatani: toward daybreak, at the peep of dawn [day]
synonyms: 夜明 , 黎明 , ,
related words: 未明


pronunciation: ageku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 挙げ句, 揚句
translation: final phrase (of a Japanese poem)
挙句の果てに: agekunohateni: in the end, finally, at last, on top its all <<<


pronunciation: asagata
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: morning
朝方に: asagatani: toward morning, at dawn
antonyms: 夕方
related words: 今朝


pronunciation: asameshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: breakfast
朝飯を食べる: asameshiotaberu: have breakfast <<<
朝飯を済ます: asameshiosumasu: finish one's breakfast <<<
朝飯の時に: asameshinotokini: at breakfast <<<
朝飯前: asameshimae: easy as a child's play <<<
synonyms: 朝食


pronunciation: ashimoto
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 足元, 足許
translation: gait, step
足下に: ashimotoni: at one's feet
足下を見る: ashimotoomiru: take [mean] advantage of <<<
足下に付込む: ashimotonitsukekomu
足下が明るい内に: ashimotogaakaruiuchini: before it gets dark [is too late]
足下が危ない: ashimotogaabunai: have an unsteady gait <<<

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