Japanese display

pronunciation: hansha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: reflection, reflex
˂: hanshasuru: reflect, return
˓I: hanshateki: reflective, reflexive <<< I
˓I: hanshatekini: reflectively, by a reflex action
˘F: hansharo: reverberatory furnace <<< F
ˌ: hanshakou: reflected light <<<
˔M: hanshanetsu: reflected heat <<< M
˖: hanshamen: surface of reflection <<<
ˑ: hanshazou: reflected image <<<
ˋ: hanshakyou: reflector, reflecting mirror <<<
ˉ^: hanshaundou: reflex movement <<< ^
ˍp: hanshasayou: reflex action <<< p
˖]: hanshabouenkyou: reflecting telescope <<< ]
gU: kakusanhansha: diffuse reflection <<< gU
: joukenhansha: conditioned reflex <<<
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