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category: to learn in school
keyword: book
Number of strokes: 10
translation: note, describe, description
記す: shirusu: write [note, jot] down, put [set down], describe, give an account (of)
Kanji words: 記事 , 書記 , 日記 , 誤記 , 表記 , 伝記 , 下記 , 記者 , 記載 , 記憶 , 戦記 , 記名 , 記述 , 記号 , 登記 , 記録 , 記念 , 筆記 , 暗記 , 上記 , 簿記
Expressions: 書き記す , 概略を記す , 年代記 , 旅行記 , 観戦記 , 生立の記

category: to learn in school
keyword: finance
Number of strokes: 10
translation: treasure, heirloom, little, few
財: zai: wealth, riches, fortune, property
財を成す: zaionasu: amass [make] a fortune <<<
財: takara: precious article, treasure, heirloom <<<
財か: wazuka: little, few <<<
Kanji words: 財政 , 財布 , 財団 , 財閥 , 財産 , 財務 , 家財 , 財宝
Expressions: 文化財 , 消費財

category: to learn in school
keyword: transport
Number of strokes: 10
translation: quick, fast, rapid, swift
速い: hayai: quick, fast, rapid, swift
速く: hayaku: quickly, fast, swiftly, rapidly, speedily, hastily
速く成る: hayakunaru: get faster, become more rapid <<<
速める: hayameru: accelerate, quicken
速やか: sumiyaka: quickness, rapidity, swiftness
速やかな: sumiyakana: quick, rapid, swift, speedy, prompt, instant, immediate
速やかに: sumiyakani: quickly, rapidly, swiftly, speedily, promptly, instantly, immediately, at once
Kanji words: 風速 , 早速 , 拙速 , 速報 , 速読 , 速達 , 高速 , 速射 , 加速 , 変速 , 減速 , 光速 , 速度 , 音速 , 五速 , 急速 , 迅速 , 快速 , 失速
Expressions: 脈が速い , 歩みが速い , 歩みを速める , 足が速い , 速度の速い , 進行が速い , 出世が速い , テンポを速める , テンポの速い

category: to learn in school
keyword: construction
Number of strokes: 10
translation: arrive, reach, make (bor.), manufacture, produce, create, construct
造る: tsukuru: make, manufacture, produce, create, construct
造る: naru: accomplish <<<
造める: hajimeru: begin, start, commence <<<
造る: itaru: arrive, reach <<<
造: miyakko: governor (anc., jp.)
Kanji words: 捏造 , 改造 , 鋳造 , 荷造 , 製造 , 構造 , 造園 , 偽造 , 木造 , 創造 , 模造 , 造船
Expressions: 堰を造る , 格子造り , 煉瓦造りの , ダムを造る
synonyms: ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: japanese history
Number of strokes: 10
translation: palace, house
kyuu, guu, kuu, ku
宮: miya: palace, shinto shrine (jp.), imperial prince [princess]
宮: ie: (big) house <<<
Kanji words: 宮殿 , 宮古 , 宮城 , 宮廷 , 宮崎 , 迷宮 , 宮内 , 宇都宮 , 守宮 , 神宮 , 子宮 , 龍宮
Expressions: 富士宮 , ルーブル宮 , ベルサイユ宮

category: to learn in school
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 10
translation: distribute
俵: tawara: straw bag (jp.)

category: to learn in school
keyword: ship
Number of strokes: 10
translation: cross by ship
航る: wataru: cross over, go over, walk [run, ride, drive, sail] across, ferry <<<
Kanji words: 潜航 , 渡航 , 航海 , 運航 , 航空 , 直航 , 航路 , 巡航 , 密航 , 曳航

category: to learn in school
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 10
translation: general, lead, command
将いる: hikiiru: lead, command, be at the head of <<<
将て: motte: with, by means of, through, for, on account of, by reason of <<<
将に: masani: just (adv.) <<<
将つ: katsu: moreover, as well as <<<
将ける: ukeru: accept (pol.) <<<
Kanji words: 将校 , 将来 , 将棋 , 中将 , 少将 , 将軍 , 大将

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 10
translation: imitate, copy, mimic, follow
hou, bou
倣う: narau: imitate, copy, mimic, follow a person's example, follow suits
に倣って: ninaratte: in imitation of, after the fashion of
Kanji words: 模倣
Expressions: 右に倣え , 伝統に倣う
synonyms: 真似

category: to learn in school
keyword: geography
Number of strokes: 10
translation: district, county
郡: koori: county
Expressions: サクラメント郡 , オレンジ郡

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