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category: JIS1
keyword: garden
Number of strokes: 15
translation: scatter, strew, sprinkle, throw, chuck
san, satsu
撒く: maku: scatter, strew, sprinkle
撒き散らす: makichirasu: scatter [strew] about, sprinkle, squander (money), spend freely <<<
Kanji words: 豆撒き
Expressions: 砂を撒く , 振り撒く , 石灰を撒く , ビラを撒く

category: JIS1
keyword: bird
Number of strokes: 15
translation: sea gull
鴎: kamome

category: JIS1
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 15
translation: spade, plow, plough
鋤: suki
鋤で耕す: sukidetagayasu: plow the field <<<
Kanji words: 鋤焼
related words: スペード

category: JIS1
keyword: construction
Number of strokes: 15
translation: collapse, ruin, crush, smash, break
kai, e
潰す: tsubusu: crush, smash, break, mash, scrap, melt down, kill, butcher, waste
潰れる: tsubureru: collapse, be ruined, be crushed, be smashed, fall [be torn] to pieces, break, be worn down
潰れ易い: tsubureyasui: fragile, brittle <<<
潰える: tsuieru: collapse, be crushed down
Kanji words: 潰瘍
Expressions: 踏み潰す , 鶏を潰す , 擦り潰す , 虱を潰す , 握り潰す , 暇を潰す , 叩き潰す , 肝を潰す , 捻り潰す , 飲み潰れる , 乗り潰す , 顔が潰れる , 顔を潰す , 食い潰す , 手間潰
related words:

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 15
translation: blow, sigh, ah
嘘: uso: lie (jp.), falsehood, story, fabrication
嘘の: usono: false, untrue, forged
嘘を吐く: usootsuku: lie, tell a lie [falsehood, story] <<<
嘘を吐け: usootsuke: Don't be silly! Nonsense! <<<
嘘を教える: usoooshieru: give (a person) wrong information <<<
嘘の様な: usonoyouna: implausible, improbable <<<
嘘の様な話: usonoyounahanashi: incredible story
嘘の塊: usonokatamari: tissue of lies <<<
嘘く: huku: blow <<< ,
Kanji words: 嘘吐き
Expressions: 嘘も方便 , 真赤な嘘 , 嘘発見器
synonyms: 虚言

category: JIS1
keyword: material
Number of strokes: 15
translation: glue, gum, paste, starch, sticky
ko, go
糊: nori: glue (n.), gum, paste, starch
糊の効いた: norinokiita: well-starched <<<
糊を付ける: noriotsukeru: paste (v.), starch <<<
糊で貼る: norideharu: paste (v.), stick, glue <<<
Expressions: ゴム糊
related words: ボンド

category: JIS1
keyword: pet
Number of strokes: 15
translation: food, bait, decoy, allurement, rice cake
餌: e: food, bait, decoy, allurement
餌: esa
餌: mochi: rice cake <<<
餌を遣る: esaoyaru: feed (an animal) <<<
餌を与える: esaoataeru <<<
餌に成る: esaninaru: fall victim [prey] <<<
Kanji words: 餌食
Expressions: 犬の餌
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 15
translation: rice cake
餅: mochi
餅を搗く: mochiotsuku: beat steamed rice into rice cake
Kanji words: 柏餅 , 焼餅 , 煎餅 , 鏡餅 , 餅搗
Expressions: 大福餅 , 牡丹餅 , 黄粉餅

category: JIS1
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 15
translation: mustache, beard, whiskers, barbel
髭: hige
髭を生やす: higeohayasu: grow mustache [beard] <<<
髭の有る: higenoaru: bearded, mustached, unshaven <<<
髭の無い: higenonai: beardless, clean-shaven <<<
髭を剃る: higeosoru: shave oneself [one's face] <<< , 髭剃
Kanji words: 髭剃
Expressions: 山羊髭

category: JIS1
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 15
translation: chopstick
cho, chaku
箸: hashi
箸を付ける: hashiotsukeru: touch [eat] the dish [food] <<<
箸を付けない: hashiotsukenai: leave the food untouched <<<
箸で食べる: hashidetaberu: eat with chopsticks <<<
箸にも棒にも掛からない: hashinimobounimokakaranai: be incorrigible, be good for nothing
Kanji words: 割箸

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