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Direct access: , ڔ , , ʞ , ҋ , S , , , Ȗ , n蒹

pronunciation: mukudori
kanji characters: ,
other spells: Nh
keyword: bird
translation: (gray) starling


pronunciation: mejiro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird , japan
translation: Japanese white-eye, Mejiro (station)
ڔ: mejirooshi: jammed (with), standing close side by side, jostling <<<
ڔw: mejiroeki: Mejiro Station (in Tokyo) <<< w

pronunciation: mendori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: hen, female bird
antonyms: Y{


pronunciation: menhukurou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: tNE
keyword: bird
translation: barn owl


pronunciation: moukin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: bird of prey, rapacious bird
ҋח: moukinrui: kind of rapacious birds <<<


pronunciation: mozu
kanji characters: S ,
other spells: Y
keyword: bird
translation: shrike, butcherbird

pronunciation: yotaka
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ^J
keyword: bird
translation: nighthawk, nightjar, bullbat, streetwalker [girl] (anc.)

pronunciation: ryuuchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: resident bird, sedentary bird, nonmigratory bird
antonyms: n蒹


pronunciation: watage
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird , fabric
translation: down
Ȗт: watageno: fluffy, fleecy
Ȗтɕꂽ: watagenioowareta: downy <<<


pronunciation: wataridori
kanji characters: n ,
keyword: bird
translation: bird of passage, migratory bird

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