
画数: 7
翻訳:aid, help, assistance, support, rescue, reinforcement, relief, auxiliary
助ける: たすける: help (v.), assist, aid, support, second, back (up)
助けて: たすけて: Help!
助け: たすけ: aid, help, assistance, support, rescue, reinforcement, relief
助けを求める: たすけをもとめる: call [cry] for help, ask for aid <<<
助けを呼ぶ: たすけをよぶ <<<
助けに行く: たすけにいく: go to the rescue (of) <<<
助け合い: たすけあい: mutual aid <<<
助け合う: たすけあう: help each other [one another] <<<
助け起す: たすけおこす: help (a person) to his feet, help (a person) up <<<
助け出す: たすけだす: rescue (a person) from <<<
助けを借りて: たすけをかりて: with the help of <<<
助けと成る: たすけとなる: be a help (to), be of help [service] (to), contribute to <<<
助かる: たすかる: be saved, be rescued, be spared
助: すけ: person (suff., pej.)
語句:天の助け , 命を助ける

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