
画数: 4
翻訳:hand, person in charge
手: て: hand, arm, palm, paw, method (jp.), trick, move
手ら: てずから: oneself
手の甲: てのこう: back of the hand <<<
手の平: てのひら: palm of the hand <<< ,
手を上げる: てをあげる: raise one's hand, lift one's hand (against), throw up one's hands <<<
手を離す: てをはなす: let go one's hold (of), release <<<
手を触れる: てをふれる: touch, feel <<<
手を握る: てをにぎる: close one's hand, grasp a person's hand, shake hands (with), reconcile with <<<
手を押える: てをおさえる: seize (a person) by hand, seize a person's hand <<<
手を取る: てをとる: take (a person) by hand, take a person's hand <<<
手を尽くす: てをつくす: try every (possible) means <<<
手を貸す: てをかす: lend (a person) a (helping) hand <<<
手を出す: てをだす: put [hold] out one's hands, have a hand in, concern oneself with, embark on, meddle with [in], make advances to, make a pass at, dabble <<<
手を下す: てをくだす: begin, put [set] one's hand to, get to (work), kill <<<
手を回す: てをまわす: send out (helping) hands, prepare, make ready <<<
手を着ける: てをつける: touch, lay hands [a finger] on, put [set] one's hand to, have one's will with <<<
手を打つ: てをうつ: clap one's hands, strike a bargain, come to an agreement (with) <<<
手に余る: てにあまる: cannot control, be unmanageable, be too much for one, be more than one's much, be beyond one's power [control] <<<
手に入れる: てにいれる: get, obtain, win, take [gain] possession of, come by <<<
手厚い: てあつい: hospitable, courteous, cordial, warm <<<
手堅い: てがたい: safe, trust-worthy, steady and honest <<<
手早い: てばやい: quick, nimble <<<
手酷い: てひどい: severe, harsh, violent, cruel, merciless <<<
手広い: てびろい: extensive, wide, roomy, commodious, spacious <<<
語句:右の手 , 左の手 , 怪しい手つきで , 猫の手 , 奥の手 , 漕ぎ手
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