Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: law
Number of strokes: 15
translation: ceremony, ritual, rule, protocol
儀: nori: rule, protocol <<< , , ,
儀る: nottoru: follow, conform to, act on, model after [on] <<<
儀: gishiki: ceremony, ritual <<< 儀式
Kanji words: 儀式 , 祝儀 , 御辞儀 , 葬儀 , 行儀 , 余儀 , 礼儀 , 儀礼 , 難儀
Expressions: 地球儀 , 天球儀 , 四分儀 , 経緯儀 , 天体儀 , 回転儀 , 赤道儀

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