Japanese display

category: common usage
other spells: 說
keyword: science
Number of strokes: 14
translation: explain, expound, elucidate, interpret, glad (conf.), pleased
setsu, zei, etsu
説: setsu: opinion, view, doctrine, theory, talk, rumor
説く: toku: explain, expound, elucidate, interpret, illustrate, advise (a person to do), persuade (a person to do, a person into doing), urge (a person to do), preach, teach
説ぶ: yorokobu: be glad, be pleased <<<
Kanji words: 俗説 , 小説 , 解説 , 社説 , 説得 , 演説 , 異説 , 逆説 , 伝説 , 説明
Expressions: 口説く , 分子説 , 波動説 , 道理を説く , 星雲説 , 大陸移動説 , 快楽説 , 限界効用説

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