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pronunciation: ronbun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science , education
translation: thesis, dissertation, treatise, essay, paper, article
論文を提出する: ronbunnoteishutsusuru: submit (present) a thesis <<< 提出
学位論文: gakuironbun: doctoral thesis [dissertation] <<< 学位
博士論文: hakushironbun: doctorate thesis <<< 博士
懸賞論文: kenshouronbun: prize essay <<< 懸賞
修士論文: shuushironbun: master's thesis <<< 修士
巻頭論文: kantouronbun: opening article (of a journal) <<< 巻頭
卒業論文: sotsugyouronbun: graduation thesis <<< 卒業

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