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category: JIS1
keyword: greeting
Number of strokes: 14
translation: humble, modest, condescend, concede, concession, yield, obey, follow
遜る: yuzuru: concede, make a concession, yield <<<
遜る: herikudaru: humble oneself, be humble, be modest, condescend, grovel <<<
遜う: shitagau: obey, follow, yield to, comply with <<<
Kanji words: 謙遜

category: JIS1
keyword: greeting
Number of strokes: 18
translation: wear, covered, crowned, have a person as (leader)
戴く: itadaku: wear, be covered [crowned] with, have a person as (leader), receive (jp., pol.), accept, have, eat, drink, have (a person) do, have (a person, a matter) done, beg (a person) to do, ask
戴きます: itadakimasu: thank you for the dinner (should be said before eating)
戴いた: itadaita: covered, crowned, received (pol.)
Kanji words: 頂戴 , 戴冠

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