Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16
Direct access: 前日 , 全日 , 前条 , 前線 , 全然 , 喘息 , 全体 , 前代 , 全長 , 前提


pronunciation: zenjitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: day before, previous [preceding] day
前日に: zenjitsuni: on the day before
synonyms: 昨日
antonyms: 翌日
related words: 先日


pronunciation: zenjitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: whole day
antonyms: 半日


pronunciation: zenjou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: preceding [foregoing] article
前条の: zenjouno: (as) mentioned in the preceding article


pronunciation: zensen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , weather
translation: front, battlefront, front line
前線で戦う: zensendetatakau: fight in the front line <<<
前線発生: zensenhassei: frontogenesis <<< 発生
前線勤務: zensenkinmu: combat duty <<< 勤務
前線基地: zensenkichi: advanced base, outpost <<< 基地
梅雨前線: baiuzensen: seasonal rain front <<< 梅雨
温暖前線: ondanzensen: warm front <<< 温暖
寒冷前線: kanreizensen: cold front <<< 寒冷
停滞前線: teitaizensen: stationary front <<< 停滞


pronunciation: zenzen
kanji characters: ,
translation: wholly, entirely, totally, utterly, completely, perfectly, altogether, (not) at all
related words: 皆目


pronunciation: zensoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: asthma
喘息の: zensokuno: asthmatic (a.)
喘息性の: zensokuseino <<<
喘息患者: zensokukanja: asthmatic patient <<< 患者
喘息発作: zensokuhossa: attack of asthma <<< 発作


pronunciation: zentai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: the whole, total, all
全体の: zentaino: whole (a.), entire, general, total, global
全体に: zentaini: wholly, entirely, generally
全体で: zentaide: in all, all told
全体として: zentaitoshite: in general, on the whole, generally speaking
全体主義: zentaishugi: totalitarism <<< 主義
全体主義国家: zentaishugikokka: totalitarian state <<< 国家
全体会議: zentaikaigi: general meeting, plenary session <<< 会議
related words: 全身


pronunciation: zendai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: previous epoch, precedent generation
前代未聞: zendaimimon: unprecedented, unheard-of (since the previous epoch)


pronunciation: zenchou
kanji characters: ,
translation: full [total] length


pronunciation: zentei
kanji characters: ,
translation: presupposition, premise (n.)
前提とする: zenteitosuru: presuppose, premise (v.)
前提条件: zenteijouken: precondition <<< 条件
を前提として: ozenteitoshite: assuming [supposing] that

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