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Direct access: 水面 , 水曜 , 水浴 , 水流 , 水力 , 睡蓮 , 水路 , 数回 , 数学 , 数字


pronunciation: suimen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: surface [level] of the water
水面上: suimenjou: above water <<<
水面下: suimenka: underwater, below water <<<
水面に浮ぶ: suimennniukabu: float on the surface of water <<<
水面に浮び上る: suimennniukabiagaru: rise to the surface, surface (v.) <<<
related words: 海面


pronunciation: suiyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: Wednesday
水曜日: suiyoubi <<<


pronunciation: suiyoku, mizuabi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: swimming
translation: cold bath, bathing
水浴する: suiyokusuru: bathe (v.)
related words: 水泳


pronunciation: suiryuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature
translation: water current, stream


pronunciation: suiryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature , industry
translation: waterpower
水力の: suiryokuno: hydraulic
水力で: suiryokude: by water power
水力学: suiryokugaku: hydraulics <<<
水力電気: suiryokudenki: hydroelectricity <<< 電気
水力発電: suiryokuhatsuden: hydraulic power generation <<< 発電
水力発電所: suiryokuhatsudensho: hydroelectric power plant (station) <<<
related words: 火力


pronunciation: suiren
kanji characters: ,
keyword: flower
translation: water lily, pond lily


pronunciation: suiro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: waterway, watercourse, channel
水路で: suirode: by sea [water], by ship [boat]
水路図: suirozu: hydrographic map <<<
水路標: suirohyou: beacon <<<
水路標識: suirohyoushiki <<< 標識
水路測量: suirosokuryou: hydrography <<< 測量


pronunciation: suukai
kanji characters: ,
translation: several times
数回試みる: suukaikokoromiru: make several attempts <<<


pronunciation: suugaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: mathematics
数学の: suugakuno: mathematical
数学者: suugakusha: mathematician <<<
related words: 算数


pronunciation: suuji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: figure, number, numeral
数字的に: suujitekini: numerically, in figures <<<
数字で表す: suujidearawasu: express in figures <<<
数字盤: suujiban: dial <<<
天文学的数字: tenmogakutekisuuji: astronomical figures <<< 天文
有効数字: yuukousuuji: significant figure <<< 有効
アラビア数字: arabiasuuji: Arabic numerals <<< アラビア
ローマ数字: roomasuuji: Roman numerals <<< ローマ

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