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Direct access: 釘付け , 草花 , 草葺 , 苦笑 , 苦心 , 孔雀 , 苦情 , 薬屋 , 薬指 , 屑鉄


pronunciation: kugiZuke
kanji characters: ,
keyword: construction
translation: nailing
釘付けにする: kugiZukenisuru: nail up [down], fasten with nails, peg
釘付けに成る: kugiZukeninaru: stand transfixed [riveted] <<<


pronunciation: kusabana
kanji characters: ,
keyword: plant , flower
translation: flowering plant
草花を植える: kusabanaoueru: plant flowers <<<


pronunciation: kusabuki
kanji characters:
keyword: house
translation: thatched (roof)
草葺の: kusabukino: thatched, straw-thatched
草葺屋根: kusabukiyane: thatched [straw-thatched] roof <<< 屋根
草葺小屋: kusabukigoya: thatched [straw-thatched] hut <<< 小屋


pronunciation: kushou, nigawarai
kanji characters: ,
translation: bitter [wry] smile
苦笑する: kushousuru: smile bitterly [wrily], force a smile


pronunciation: kushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: efforts, pains, hard work
苦心する: kushinsuru: take pains, do one's best [utmost], apply oneself to (the work), make every possible effort
苦心して: kushinshite: by hard work, with great pains
苦心作: kushinsaku: fruit of much labor <<<
苦心談: kushindan: account of one's hard experiences <<<
苦心惨憺する: kushinsantansuru: take great pains, toil and labor, make strenuous efforts
related words: 努力 , 労力 , 丹精


pronunciation: kujaku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: クジャク
keyword: bird
translation: peafowl, peacock, peahen
孔雀の羽: kujakunohane: peacock's feather <<<
孔雀石: kujakuishi: malachite <<<


pronunciation: kujou
kanji characters: ,
translation: complaint, grumble (n.), grievance
苦情を言う: kujouoiu: complain, grumble (v.) <<<
苦情の種: kujounotane: cause [source] of dissatisfaction <<<
related words: 抗議 , クレーム


pronunciation: kusuriya
kanji characters: ,
keyword: drug , shop
translation: pharmacist, druggist, chemist, pharmacy, druggist, pharmacy, drugstore
related words: 薬局


pronunciation: kusuriyubi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: third [ring] finger
related words: 親指 , 人差指 , 中指 , 小指


pronunciation: kuzutetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: industry
translation: scrap iron
屑鉄屋: kuzutetsuya: scrap dealer, scrap metal merchant <<<
屑鉄商: kuzutetsushou <<<
related words: スクラップ

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