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Direct access: 自分 , 自閉症 , 事変 , 自前 , 字幕 , 自慢 , 事務 , 自明 , 自滅 , 地面


pronunciation: jibun
kanji characters: ,
translation: oneself, self, I
自分は: jibunwa: I personally, I myself, I am (pol.)
自分の: jibunnno: own, personal, private, for myself
自分で: jibunde: personally, by oneself, single-handed
自分用: jibunnyou: personal use <<<
自分撮り: jibundori: selfie <<<
自分勝手: jibunkatte: selfishness, egoism <<< 勝手 , 我儘
自分勝手の: jibunkatteno: selfish, egoist
自分自身: jibunjishin: myself <<< 自身


pronunciation: jiheishou
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: disease
translation: autism
自閉症の: jiheishouno: autistic
related words: 引篭


pronunciation: jihen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: incident, disturbance, trouble, emergency
related words: 事件


pronunciation: jimae
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: one's own expense [account]
自前で: jimaede: at one's own expense [account]


pronunciation: jimaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: movie
translation: title, caption, subtitle (n.)
字幕を入れる: jimakuoireru: subtitle (v.) <<<
字幕入りの: jimakuirino: subtitled
字幕付きの: jimakutsukino <<<
字幕放送: jimakuhousou: program with subtitles <<< 放送
字幕スーパー: shimakusuupaa: superimposed dialogue <<< スーパー
synonyms: キャプション


pronunciation: jiman
kanji characters: ,
translation: pride, boast, vanity
自慢する: jimansuru: boast [brag] of, be proud [vain, boastful] of, bride oneself (on), swagger
自慢の: jimannno: of which one is proud
自慢らしく: jimanrashiku: proudly, boastfully
自慢そうに: jimansouni
自慢気に: jimangeni <<<
自慢顔に: jimangaoni <<<
自慢話: jimanbanashi: bragging, boasting <<<
祖先自慢: sosenjiman: ancestral pride <<< 祖先
synonyms: 自負 , 矜持 ,


pronunciation: jimu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: office work, desk work, business (n.)
事務上の: jimujouno: business (a.) <<<
事務を執る: jimuotoru: do office work, attend to one's business, be at one's desk <<<
事務に明るい: jimuniakarui: be experienced in office work <<<
事務的: jimuteki: businesslike <<<
事務的に: jimutekini: in a businesslike manner, in a matter-of-fact way
事務所: jimusho: office, bureau <<<
事務室: jimushitsu: office room <<<
事務員: jimuin: clerk <<<
事務官: jimukan: administrative official, secretary <<<
事務長: jimuchou: head official, purser <<<
事務服: jimuhuku: working dress [suit] <<<
事務管理: jimukanri: office management <<< 管理
事務用品: jimuyouhin: office equipment [supplies] <<< 用品 , 文房具
経理事務: keirijimu: accountants' business <<< 経理
会計事務: kaikeijimu: accountancy <<< 会計
担当事務: tantoujimu: business under one's charge <<< 担当
related words: 業務


pronunciation: jimei
kanji characters: ,
translation: self-evidence
自明の: jimeino: obvious, self-evident, axiomatic
自明の理: jimeinori: self-evident reason, axiom <<<


pronunciation: jimetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: self-ruin, suicide
自滅する: jimetsusuru: ruin [destroy] oneself, cut one's own throat
related words: 自殺


pronunciation: jimen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty
translation: earth, ground, (patch of) land, lot, plot
地面に: jimennni: on the ground
地面に寝る: jimennnineru: lie down on the ground <<<
地面を掘る: jimennohoru: dig the ground <<<
地面擦れ擦れに: jimensuresureni: level with the ground
related words: 土地 , 地所

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