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Direct access: 南方 , 難民 , 難問 , 似合 , 新潟 , 荷馬 , 二階 , 二回 , 二格 , 二月


pronunciation: nanpou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: south direction, south (n.)
南方の: nanpouno: south (a.), southern, in south of
南方に: nanpouni: southwards
related words: 北方


pronunciation: nanmin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: refugee, displaced person
難民キャンプ: nanminkyanpu: refugee camp <<< キャンプ
難民収容所: nanminshuuyousho
偽装難民: gisounanmin: camouflaged refugees, refugees in disguise <<< 偽装


pronunciation: nanmon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: difficult [hard, knotty] problem [question], puzzle, poser, hard nut to crack, floorer, conundrum
難問を出す: nanmonnodasu: put a difficult question (to a person) <<<
synonyms: パズル , 難題


pronunciation: niai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: match (n.), fitness, suitability
似合った: niatta: fit (a.), suitable, proper (to), well-matched
似合わしい: niawashii
似合の: niaino
似合の夫婦: niainohuuhu: well-matched couple <<< 夫婦
似合う: niau: suit (v.), be suitable (for), fit, match well


pronunciation: niigata
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Niigata
新潟県: niigataken: Prefecture of Niigata <<<
新潟市: niigatashi: City of Niigata <<<
related words:


pronunciation: niuma
kanji characters: ,
keyword: horse
translation: packhorse, cart horse


pronunciation: nikai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 2階
keyword: house
translation: the second floor [story] (us), the first floor [story] (uk)
二階の: nikaino: upstairs (a.)
二階に: nikaini: upstairs (adv.)
二階に住む: nikainisumu: live upstairs <<<
二階に上がる: nikainiagaru: go upstairs <<<
二階に上る: nikaininoboru
二階から降りる: nikaikaraoriru: come downstairs <<<
二階から落ちる: nikaikaraochiru: fall downstairs <<<
二階家: nikaiya: two-story [two-storied] house <<<
二階の部屋: nikainoheya: upstairs room, room on the second floor <<< 部屋
二階バス: nikaibasu: double-decker (bus) <<< バス
中二階: chuunikai: entresol <<<
related words: 一階


pronunciation: nikai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 2回
keyword: time
translation: twice, two times
二回目: nikaime: the second time <<<
二回目に: nikaimeni: for the second time
二回戦: nikaisen: the second round, two rounds <<<
第二回: dainikai: the second <<<
月二回: tsukinikai: semimonthly, fortnightly <<<
年二回: nennnikai: semiannual, half-yearly, biannual <<<
一月に二回: hitotsukininikai: twice a month <<< 一月
毎週二回: maishuunikai: twice a week <<< 毎週
毎年二回: mainennnikai: twice a year <<< 毎年
毎月二回: maitsukinikai: twice a month <<< 毎月
synonyms: 二度
related words: 一回


pronunciation: nikaku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 2格
keyword: grammar
translation: genitive
第二格: dainikaku <<<
related words: 一格 , 三格 , 四格


pronunciation: nigatsu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 弐月, 2月
keyword: calendar
translation: February

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