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Direct access: 苦労 , 玄人 , 黒帯 , 黒髪 , 黒字 , 黒鷹 , 黒猫 , 黒豹 , 黒星 , 黒豆


pronunciation: kurou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: hardship, difficulty, trouble
苦労する: kurousuru: suffer troubles, go through hardships
苦労を掛ける: kurouokakeru: give trouble [anxiety] <<<
苦労させる: kurousaseru
苦労の絶えない: kurounotaenai: have no end of troubles <<<
苦労の多い: kurounoooi: full of worries [troubles] <<<
苦労の無い: kurounonai: carefree, free from care, easygoing <<<
苦労の足りない: kurounotarinai: have not seen much of life <<<
苦労の種: kurounotane: source of distress, thorn in one's flesh <<<
苦労人: kurounin: man of the world <<<
苦労性: kuroushou: have the worry habit, be of a nervous temperament, hypochondriac <<<
synonyms: 心配


pronunciation: kurouto
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: professional, expert, veteran, specialist, connoisseur, woman of gay quarters
玄人の: kuroutono: professional (a.)
玄人筋: kuroutosuji: well-informed persons, professional traders <<<
玄人気質: kuroutokatagi: professionalism <<< 気質
synonyms: プロ
antonyms: 素人


pronunciation: kuroobi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: martial art
translation: black belt (of judo)
synonyms: 有段
related words: 柔道


pronunciation: kurokami
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: black hair
緑の黒髪: midorinokurokami: raven-black hair <<<


pronunciation: kuroji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: black figure, positive balance
黒字の: kurojino: beneficial
黒字である: kurojidearu: go into [keep in, be in] the black
貿易黒字: bouekikuroji: trade surplus <<< 貿易
antonyms: 赤字


pronunciation: kurotaka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: blackhawk


pronunciation: kuroneko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: pet
translation: black cat
antonyms: 白猫


pronunciation: kurohyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: black panther
related words: ピューマ


pronunciation: kuroboshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: black dot [spot], bull's-eye, defeat mark, failure
黒星を取る: kuroboshiotoru: lose a game [match, point] <<<
antonyms: 白星


pronunciation: kuromame
kanji characters: ,
keyword: vegetable
translation: black soybean
related words: 大豆

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