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Direct access: 黒鷲 , 君子 , 君主 , 訓読 , 君臨 , 訓練 , 毛穴 , 敬愛 , 敬意 , 経緯


pronunciation: kurowashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird
translation: black eagle


pronunciation: kunshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: true gentleman, man of virtue [noble character]
君子危うきに近寄らず: kunshiayaukinichikayorazu: The wise man does not court danger
君子は豹変す: kunshiwahyouhensu: the wise readily adapt themselves to changed circumstances, the wise are quick to acknowledge their mistakes and correct them


pronunciation: kunshu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , history
translation: monarch, sovereign, ruler
君主の: kunshuno: monarchistic, monarchial
君主国: kunshukoku: monarchy <<<
君主論: kunshuron: The Prince (of Machiavelli) <<<
君主制: kunshusei: monarchy, monarchism <<<
君主政体: kunshuseitai
君主専制: kunshusensei: autocracy <<< 専制
啓蒙君主: keimoukunshu: enlightened monarch <<< 啓蒙
独裁君主: dokusaikunshu: despotic monarch <<< 独裁
専制君主: senseikunshu: despot, autocrat, Leviathan <<< 専制
related words: 国王


pronunciation: kunnyomi, kundoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: kunyomi reading, Japanese reading [rendering] of a Chinese character
antonyms: 音読


pronunciation: kunrin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: reign (n.), dominance
君臨する: kunrinsuru: reign [dominate, rule] over (a country)


pronunciation: kunren
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: training, drill, exercise, practice
訓練する: kunrensuru: train, drill (v.), exercise (v.), practice (v.)
訓練を受ける: kunrennoukeru: be trained <<<
訓練所: kunrensho, kunrenjo: training school, gym, training hall <<<
訓練場: kunrenjou <<<
訓練生: kunrensei: trainee <<<
訓練飛行: kunrenhikou: training flight <<< 飛行
訓練期間: kunrenkikan: training period <<< 期間
職業訓練: shokugyoukunren: vocational training <<< 職業
避難訓練: hinankunren: evacuation exercise <<< 避難
上陸訓練: jourikukunren: landing drill <<< 上陸
防火訓練: boukakunren: fire drill <<< 防火
synonyms: 実習 , 練習 , 養成 , トレーニング , ドリル


pronunciation: keana
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: pores


pronunciation: keiai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: veneration
敬愛する: keiaisuru: love and respect, adore, venerate, dear (a.), respectable, adorable


pronunciation: keii
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: respect, reverence, regard, honor, homage
敬意を表す: keiioarawasu: pay one's respect [regard] (to), show one's respect, do honor [homage] (to) <<<
敬意を払う: keiioharau <<<
敬意を表して: keiioarawashite: out of respect for, in honor of <<<
related words: 尊敬


pronunciation: keii, ikisatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: longitude and latitude, circumstance, details, particulars
経緯儀: keiigi: theodolite <<<
related words: 経度 , 緯度 , 事情

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