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Direct access: 西部 , 西武 , 生物 , 成分 , 成文 , 性別 , 生保 , 聖母 , 歳暮 , 精密


pronunciation: seibu
kanji characters: 西 ,
keyword: geography
translation: western part, the west
西部の: seibuno: western
西部へ行く: seibueiku: go to west <<<
西部劇: seibugeki: western film, cowboy picture <<<
西部地方: seibuchihou: the West, western region <<< 地方
西部戦線: seibusensen: western (war) front <<< 戦線
西部戦線異状なし: seibusensennijounashi: All Quiet on the Western Front (a novel of Erich Maria Remarque, 1929)
antonyms: 東部


pronunciation: seibu
kanji characters: 西 ,
keyword: train , japan
translation: Seibu group, western part of Musashi (actual Tokyo region),
西武鉄道: seibutetsudou: Seibu railway (private railway connecting western suburb of Tokyo) <<< 鉄道
antonyms: 東武
related words: 武蔵


pronunciation: seibutsu, ikimono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , nature
translation: life, living thing, organism
生物学: seibutsugaku: biology <<<
生物学の: seibutsugakuno: biological
生物学的: seibutsugakuteki <<<
生物界: seibutsukai: biosphere, biological world <<<
生物学者: seibutsugakusha: biologist <<< 学者
生物化学: seibutsukagaku: biochemistry <<< 化学
生物工学: seibutsukougaku: biotechnics <<< 工学
生物兵器: seibutsuheiki: biological weapon <<< 兵器
生物測定学: seibutsusokuteigaku: biometrics, biometry
微生物: biseibutsu: microbe, microorganism <<<
related words: 生命 , バイオ


pronunciation: seibun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry , food
translation: component, element, constituent, ingredient
成分表: seibunhyou: list of ingredients [components, constituents] <<<
成分表示: seibunhyouji <<< 表示
副成分: hukuseibun: accessory ingredients <<<


pronunciation: seibun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: codification
成文化: seibunka <<<
成文化する: seibunkasuru: codify
成文法: seibunhou: written [statute] law <<<
成文律: seibunritsu <<<


pronunciation: seibetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , job
translation: sex distinction
性別を問わず: seibetsuotowazu: without distinction of sex <<<


pronunciation: seiho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: life insurance


pronunciation: seibo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: Holy Mother, Virgin Mary, Our Lady
聖母マリア: seibomaria <<< マリア
聖母崇拝: seibosuuhai: Marian cult, marianism <<< 崇拝


pronunciation: seibo
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 御歳暮, お歳暮
keyword: calendar
translation: year-end, end of the year, year-end present [gift]
歳暮売出し: seibouridashi: year-end sale
related words: 年末


pronunciation: seimitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology
translation: precision, minuteness
精密な: seimitsuna: precise, minute, detailed
精密に: seimitsuni: precisely, thoroughly, minutely, in every detail
精密度: seimitsudo: precision <<<
精密工業: seimitsukougyou: precision industry <<< 工業
精密検査: seimitsukensa: close examination <<< 検査
精密機械: seimitsukikai: precision machine <<< 機械

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