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Direct access: 軽薄 , 競馬 , 経費 , 警備 , 軽微 , 警部 , 軽蔑 , 刑法 , 警報 , 刑務所


pronunciation: keihaku
kanji characters: ,
translation: fickleness, frivolity, insincerity, untruthfulness
軽薄な: keihakuna: fickle, frivolous, flippant, insincere, flattering, untruthful
軽薄者: keihakumono: frivolous character, flatterer <<<


pronunciation: keiba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , amusement
translation: horse racing, horse race
競馬場: keibajou: race course, turf <<<
競馬馬: keibauma: race horse <<<
競馬騎手: keibakishu: jockey <<< 騎手
草競馬: kusakeiba: local horse race <<<
ケンタッキー競馬: kentakkiikeiba: Kentucky Derby <<< ケンタッキー


pronunciation: keihi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: expense, cost, expenditure
経費の都合で: keihinotsugoude: for financial reasons <<< 都合
経費の都合上: keihinotsugoujou <<<
経費を節約する: keihiosetsuyakusuru: cut down expenses <<< 節約
経費が掛かる: keihigakakaru: cost an arm and a leg <<<
経費が嵩む: keihigakasamu: The expenses run up, It costs a great deal <<<
経費削減: keihisakugen: cost reduction <<< 削減
必要経費: hitsuyoukeihi: expense account <<< 必要
related words: 費用


pronunciation: keibi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security , war
translation: security, police, guard (n.)
警備する: keibisuru: defend, guard (v.), keep guard
警備を解く: keibiotoku: call off the guard <<<
警備に就く: keibinitsuku: stand guard <<<
警備員: keibiin: guard (man), watch <<<
警備艦: keibikan: guard-ship <<<
警備隊: keibitai: garrison <<<
国境警備: kokkyoukeibi: border guard <<< 国境
沿岸警備: engankeibi: coastal patrol <<< 沿岸
related words: 保安 , セキュリティー , 防犯 , 警護


pronunciation: keibi
kanji characters: ,
translation: slightness, insignificance
軽微な: keibina: slight, little, trifling, insignificant


pronunciation: keibu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security
translation: police inspector [lieutenant]
警部補: keibuho: assistant police inspector [lieutenant] <<<
related words: 刑事


pronunciation: keibetsu
kanji characters: ,
translation: contempt, scorn (n.)
軽蔑する: keibetsusuru: despise, disdain, scorn (v.), look down upon, make light of, hold (a person) in contempt
軽蔑すべき: keibetsusubeki: contemptible, contemptuous, despicable, mean, shoddy
軽蔑的に: keibetsutekini: contemptibly, contemptuously, despicably, disdainfully <<<


pronunciation: keihou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: criminal [penal] law [code]
刑法上の: keihoujouno: criminal, penal <<<
刑法上: keihoujo: criminally
刑法学者: keihougakusha: criminalist <<< 学者


pronunciation: keihou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security
translation: alarm, warning
警報を鳴らす: keihouonarasu: give a warning [an emergency signal] <<<
警報を出す: keihouodasu <<<
警報を発する: keihouohassuru <<<
警報機: keihouki: alarm <<<
警報装置: keihousouchi <<< 装置
警報解除: keihoukaijo: all-clear <<< 解除
警報ランプ: keihouranpu: warning light <<< ランプ
警戒警報: keikaikeihou: air defense alarm <<< 警戒
空襲警報: kuushuukeihou: air-raid alarm [warning] <<< 空襲
非常警報: hijoukeihou: alarm bell <<< 非常
暴風警報: bouhuukeihou: storm warning <<< 暴風
津波警報: tsunamikeihou: tsunami warning [alert] <<< 津波
related words: 警告 , 警笛 , サイレン , アラーム


pronunciation: keimusho
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: justice
translation: prison, jail, goal, penitentiary
刑務所に入る: keimushonihairu: be put in prison [jail] <<<
刑務所に入れる: keimushoniireru: put in prison [jail]
刑務所を出る: keimushooderu: be released from prison <<<
刑務所長: keimushochou: governor [warden] of a prison <<<
related words: 監獄 , 牢屋

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