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Direct access: 結社 , 決勝 , 血漿 , 結晶 , 血小板 , 血色 , 決心 , 結石 , 欠席 , 血栓


pronunciation: kessha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: association, society
結社を結ぶ: kesshaomusubu: form an association [a society] <<<
結社を作る: kesshaotsukuru <<<
結社の自由: kesshanojiyuu: freedom of association <<< 自由
秘密結社: himitsukessha: secret organization [society] <<< 秘密
related words: 団体


pronunciation: kesshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: decision of a contest
決勝戦: kesshousen: final contest [game, match] <<< , 決戦
決勝線: kesshousen: goal [finish] line <<< , ゴール
決勝点: kesshouten: game point <<<
準決勝: junkesshou: semi-final match <<<


pronunciation: kesshou
kanji characters:
keyword: medicine
translation: blood plasma
related words: プラズマ


pronunciation: kesshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry , nature
translation: crystal
結晶する: kesshousuru: crystallize
結晶の: kesshouno: crystalline
結晶化: kesshouka: crystallization <<<
結晶学: kesshougaku: crystallography <<<
結晶系: kesshoukei: crystal system <<<
結晶石: kesshouseki: spar <<<
結晶水: kesshousui: crystal waters <<<
雪の結晶: yukinokesshou: snow crystal <<<


pronunciation: kesshouban
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: medicine
translation: blood platelet, thrombocyte


pronunciation: kesshoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: health
translation: complexion
血色が良い: kesshokugaii, kesshokugayoi: have a healthy complexion, look well <<<
血色が悪い: kesshokugawarui: have a sickly complexion, look unwell <<<
related words: 顔色


pronunciation: kesshin
kanji characters: ,
translation: determination, decision, will
決心する: kesshinsuru: determine, decide, make up one's mind
決心が付く: kesshingatsuku <<<
決心が付かない: kesshingatsukanai: be undecided
決心を翻す: kesshinnohirugaesu: go back on one's resolution <<<
related words: 決意 , 覚悟


pronunciation: kesseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: calculus
結石学: kessekigaku: lithology <<<
結石病: kessekibyou: lithiasis <<<
膀胱結石: boukoukesseki: bladder stone, cystolith <<< 膀胱
腎臓結石: jinzoukesseki: renal calculus, kidney stone, nephrolithiasis <<< 腎臓


pronunciation: kesseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: absence, nonattendance
欠席する: kessekisuru: be absent, fail to attend
欠席者: kessekisha: absentee <<<
欠席届: kessekitodoke: report [notice] of absence <<<
欠席裁判: kessekisaiban: judgment by default <<< 裁判
無欠席: mukesseki: regular attendance, nonabsence <<<
病気欠席: byoukikesseki: absence due to illness <<< 病気
長期欠席: choukikesseki: long absence from school <<< 長期
無断欠席: mudankesseki: unauthorized absence <<< 無断
無断欠席する: mudankessekisuru: stay away without leave <<< 無断
related words: 出席 , 欠勤


pronunciation: kessen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: thrombus
血栓症: kessenshou: thrombosis <<<
脳血栓: noukessen: cerebral thrombosis <<<

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