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category: only in Japanese
keyword: construction
Number of strokes: 8
translation: frame, framework, crate, rim, limit
枠: waku: frame, framework, reel, spool, crate, rim, tambour, limit
枠に入れる: wakuniireru: put (a thing) in frame <<<
Kanji words: 枠組
Expressions: 融資枠 , 画面の枠 , 貸付枠 , 発着枠

category: common usage
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 8
translation: hearth, fireplace, furnace
炉: irori: hearth, fireplace <<< 囲炉裏
Kanji words: 香炉 , 囲炉裏 , 暖炉 , 懐炉 , 焜炉 , 炉心
Expressions: 重水炉 , 反射炉 , 火葬炉 , 熔解炉 , 太陽炉 , 均質炉 , 原子炉 , 転換炉 , ウラン原子炉 , コークス炉

category: common usage
keyword: drink
Number of strokes: 8
translation: boil, seethe
沸く: waku: boil, seethe (over), be excited, roar with laughter
沸かす: wakasu: boil (water)
Kanji words: 湯沸 , 沸騰
Expressions: 湯を沸かす , 血を沸かす

category: common usage
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 8
translation: cook, boil
炊く: taku
炊ぐ: kashigu
Kanji words: 雑炊 , 炊事
Expressions: 米を炊く , 御飯を炊く

category: common usage
keyword: disease
Number of strokes: 8
translation: blind, blindness, ignorant
mou, bou
盲: mekura: blind person, blindness, illiterate person
盲い: kurai: be ignorant (of), be a stranger (to) <<<
Kanji words: 盲目 , 色盲 , 盲腸 , 盲点

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 8
translation: ask for, seek, depend on, rely on
i, e
依る: yoru: depend on, rely on <<< , ,
依む: tanomu: ask for, seek, appeal <<<
Kanji words: 依存 , 依頼 , 浴依
Expressions: 事に依ると , 所に依っては , 大きさに依って , 威力に依って

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 8
translation: unskillful, awkward
拙い: tsutanai: unskillful, poor, awkward, clumsy
拙い: mazui
Kanji words: 拙速 , 稚拙
Expressions: 着付が拙い , 会話が拙い , 言回しの拙い , 拙い言回し , 設計の拙い
synonyms: 下手

category: common usage
keyword: love
Number of strokes: 8
translation: keep, hold, embrace
抱く: daku: embrace
抱える: kakaeru: carry, hold, employ
抱く: idaku: hold, entertain
抱き合う: dakiaau: embrace [hug] each other, neck each other <<<
抱き上げる: dakiageru: lift up in one's arms <<<
抱き起こす: dakiokosu: raise [lift up] (a person) in one's arms, help (a person) to sit up <<<
抱き抱える: dakikakaeru: hold [embrace] (a person) in one's arms
抱き込む: dakikomu: bring [win] (a person) over to one's side, buy over [off] <<< , 買収
抱き締める: dakishimeru: hug, press [hold] (a person) to one's breast, embrace closely <<<
抱き着く: dakitsuku: fly into (a person's arms), cling to, embrace affectionately <<<
抱き止める: dakitomeru: hold [keep] (a person) back <<<
抱き寄せる: dakiyoseru: embrace [hug] (a person) closer to one <<<
Kanji words: 抱負 , 介抱 , 抱擁 , 辛抱
Expressions: 卵を抱く , 胸に抱く , 腕に抱く , 腕に抱える , 頭を抱える , 恨みを抱く , 疑いを抱く , 望みを抱く , 殺意を抱く , 郷愁を抱く , 疑問を抱く , 偏見を抱く , 抱負を抱く , 愛情を抱く , 疑惑を抱く , 恋心を抱く , 野心を抱く , 幻影を抱く , 幻覚を抱く , 好感抱く , 期待を抱く , 期待を抱かせる , 理想を抱く , 不審を抱く , 恐怖を抱く , 恐怖を抱かせる , 怨恨を抱く , 不平を抱く , 杞憂を抱く

category: common usage
keyword: garden
Number of strokes: 8
translation: mud, mire, dirt
泥: doro: mud, mire, dirt
泥だらけの: dorodarakeno: covered with mud, muddy
泥塗れの: doromamireno <<<
泥に塗れる: doronimamireru: be covered with mud, get muddy <<<
泥塗れに成る: doromamireninaru
泥を吐く: doroohaku: confess one's crime, own up <<<
Kanji words: 泥濘 , 泥酔 , 泥沼 , 泥棒

category: common usage
keyword: japanese history
Number of strokes: 8
translation: serve, assist, attend
ji, shi
侍する: jisuru: wait on, attend on
侍る: haberu
侍: samurai: samurai (bodyguard who attends nobles, jp.)
Kanji words: 侍従
Expressions: 七人の侍

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