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Direct access: 仏壇 , 物々交換 , 物理 , 物流 , 葡萄 , 武道 , 無難 , 部品 , 部分 , 部門


pronunciation: butsudan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: buddhism
translation: Buddhist altar


pronunciation: butsubutsukoukan
kanji characters: , ,
other spells: 物物交換
keyword: business
translation: barter (n.)
物々交換する: butsubutsukoukansuru: barter (v.)


pronunciation: butsuri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: physics
translation: physics, law of nature
物理学: butsurigaku: physics, physical science <<<
物理的: butsuriteki: physical <<<
物理的変化: butsuritekihenka: physical change <<< 変化
物理的性質: butsuritekiseishitsu: physical property <<< 性質
物理的現象: butsuritekigenshou: physical phenomena <<< 現象
物理学者: butsurigakusha: physicist <<< 学者
物理化学: butsurikagaku: physical chemistry <<< 化学
物理療法: butsuriryouhou: physical therapy <<< 療法
応用物理: ouyoubutsuri: applied physics <<< 応用


pronunciation: butsuryuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: logistics, physical distribution
物流管理: butsuryuukanri: logistics management <<< 管理
物流コスト: butsuryuukosuto: logistics costs <<< コスト
物流システム: butsuryuushisutemu: logistics system <<< システム
物流センター: butsuryuusentaa: logistics center <<< センター
物流拠点: butsuryuukyoten <<< 拠点


pronunciation: budou
other spells: ブドウ
keyword: fruit
translation: grape, grapevine
葡萄の房: budounohusa: bunch (cluster) of grapes <<<
葡萄の種: budounotane: grape-seed, grape-stone <<<
葡萄の蔓: budounotsuru: grapevine <<<
葡萄を摘む: budouotsumu: harvest [gather, pick] grapes <<<
葡萄園: budouen: vineyard, grapery <<<
葡萄色: budouiro: dark purple <<<
葡萄酒: budoushu: wine <<<
葡萄糖: budoutou: grape sugar, glucose <<<
葡萄液: budoueki: grape juice <<<
葡萄ジュース: budoujuusu <<< ジュース
葡萄栽培: budousaibai: viticulture <<< 栽培
葡萄栽培者: budousaibaisha: winegrower <<<
葡萄パン: budoupan: raisin bread <<< パン
干し葡萄: hoshibudou: raisins, currants <<<
野葡萄: nobudou: wild grape, ampelopsis <<<
山葡萄: yamabudou <<<
怒りの葡萄: ikarinobudou: The Grapes of Wrath (American novel written by John Steinbeck in 1939) <<<
synonyms: グレープ
related words: ワイン


pronunciation: budou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: martial art
translation: martial art
武道館: budoukan: Nippon Budokan (Sport hall of martial arts in Tokyo) <<<
武道会: budoukai: martial arts contest [championship] <<<
古武道: kobudou: traditional [medieval] martial art <<<


pronunciation: bunan
kanji characters: ,
translation: safety, security, passability, acceptability, reasonableness
無難な: bunannna: safe, secure, passable, tolerable, acceptable, reasonable
無難の: bunannno
related words: 安全


pronunciation: buhin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , car
translation: part (of machine), component
自動車部品: jidoushabuhin: automotive [car] parts <<< 自動車
純正部品: junseibuhin: genuine parts <<< 純正
related words: パーツ


pronunciation: bubun
kanji characters: ,
translation: part, portion, section, segment
部分的: bubunteki: partial, local, limited <<<
部分的に: bubuntekini: partially, partly, locally
部分品: bubunhin: parts, accessories <<<
部分食: bubunshoku: partial eclipse <<<
部分蝕: bubunshoku <<<
部分冠詞: bubunkanshi: partitive article <<< 冠詞
大部分: daibubun: the greater [major] part, majority, most (of), for the most part, mostly <<<
related words: 一部


pronunciation: bumon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science , administration
translation: class, group, department, branch, section, category, genus
部門に分ける: bumonnniwakeru: divide into classes, classify, categorize <<<
主要部門: shuyoubumon: central department <<< 主要
公共部門: koukyoubumon: public sector <<< 公共
related words: 分野 , カテゴリー , セクター

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