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Direct access: 刷新 , 颯爽 , 早速 , 殺虫剤 , 殺到 , 札幌 , 殺意 , 撮影 , 殺害 , 殺人


pronunciation: sasshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: reform (n.), renovation, innovation
刷新する: sasshinsuru: reform (v.), make a reform, renovate, innovate
related words: 革新


pronunciation: sassou
kanji characters:
translation: smartness
颯爽とした: sassoutoshita: smart, gallant, elegant
颯爽と: sassouto: smartly, gallantly, elegantly
related words: 機敏 , スマート , エレガント


pronunciation: sassoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: instantly, immediately, promptly, at once, without delay
早速の: sassokuno: instant, immediate, prompt
早速する: sassokusuru: lose no time (in doing)
早速ですが: sassokudesuga: let's get to the heart of the matter
related words:


pronunciation: satchuuzai
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: insect
translation: insecticide, pesticide, insect powder


pronunciation: sattou
kanji characters: ,
translation: rush (n.), stampede
殺到する: sattousuru: make a rush (for a place), throng to (a place), pour [rush] in, stampede
申込殺到: moushikomisattou: Applications are pouring in <<< 申込
related words: ラッシュ


pronunciation: sapporo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Sapporo (City)
札幌市: sapporoshi: City of Sapporo <<<
札幌オリンピック: sapporoorinpikku: Sapporo Olympics (1972) <<< オリンピック
related words:


pronunciation: satsui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: murderous intention, intent to murder
殺意の有る: satsuinoaru: murderous <<<
殺意を抱く: satsuioidaku: intend to kill, seek a person's life <<<
殺意を起こす: satsuiookosu <<<


pronunciation: satsuei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art , show
translation: photographing, filming
撮影する: satsueisuru: take a photograph [picture] of, photo (v.), photograph, film, shoot
撮影を禁ず: satsueiokinzu: No photographing, Cameras are forbidden <<<
撮影機: satsueiki: movie camera <<<
撮影所: satsueisho: movie studio <<<
撮影室: satsueishitsu: a studio (of photographer) <<<
撮影者: satsueisha: photographer <<<
撮影監督: satsueikantoku: movie director <<< 監督
撮影技師: satsueigishi: film operator, cameraperson, cameraman <<< 技師
撮影台本: satsueidaihon: a continuity
瞬間撮影: shunkansatsuei: snapshot, snapshotting <<< 瞬間
水中撮影: suichuusatsuei: underwater photography <<< 水中
野外撮影: yagaisatsuei: exterior [external, outdoor] shoot <<< 野外
夜間撮影: yakansatsuei: night photographing <<< 夜間
高速撮影: kousokusatsuei: high-speed photography <<< 高速
間接撮影: kansetsusatsuei: fluoroscope <<< 間接
related words: 写真 , カメラ


pronunciation: satsugai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: murder (n.), assassination
殺害する: satsugaisuru: kill, slay, murder (v.), assassinate
殺害者: satsugaisha: murderer, murderess <<<
殺害現場: satsugaigenba: spot of murder <<< 現場
related words: 殺人


pronunciation: satsujin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: murder, homicide, slaughter
殺人を犯す: satsujinnookasu: commit murder <<<
殺人者: satsujinsha: killer, murderer, homicide, slayer <<<
殺人犯: satsujinhan <<<
殺人犯人: satsujinhannnin <<< 犯人
殺人鬼: satsujinki: devilish homicide <<<
殺人事件: satsujinjiken: murder case <<< 事件
殺人未遂: satsujinmisui: attempted murder
殺人光線: satsujinkousen: death ray <<< 光線
殺人幻想曲: satsujingensoukyoku: Unfaithfully Yours (American movie by Preston Sturges, 1948)
偽装殺人: gisousatsujin: disguised suicide <<< 偽装
密室殺人: misshitsusatsujin: murder in a shut-up room <<< 密室
強盗殺人: goutousatsujin: murder with robbery as a motive <<< 強盗
synonyms: 殺害

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