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Direct access: 優等 , 誘導 , 有能 , 夕日 , 優美 , 郵便 , 裕福 , 有名 , 夕焼 , 猶予


pronunciation: yuutou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: distinction, award, honor, kudo
優等の: yuutouno: distinguished, excellent, brilliant
優等で: yuutoude: with honors
優等賞: yuutoushou: honor prize <<<
優等生: yuutousei: honor student, honor graduate <<<
related words: 優秀


pronunciation: yuudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , physics , electricity
translation: guidance, leading, induction
誘導する: yuudousuru: guide, lead
誘導係: yuudougakari: usher <<<
誘導体: yuudoutai: derivative, conductor <<<
誘導弾: yuudoudan: guided missile <<<
誘導ミサイル: yuudoumisairu <<< ミサイル
誘導尋問: yuudoujinmon: leading question, interrogation <<< 尋問
誘導電流: yuudoudenryuu: induced current <<< 電流
誘導電気: yuudoudenki: induced electricity <<< 電気
誘導装置: yuudousouchi: guidance system <<< 装置
誘導コイル: yuudoukoiru: induction coil <<< コイル
ミサイル誘導: misairuyuudou: missile guidance <<< ミサイル


pronunciation: yuunou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: ability, competence, talent
有能な: yuunouna: able, competent, talented, savvy
有能な士: yuunounashi: man of ability [parts], able man <<<
related words: 堪能


pronunciation: yuuhi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 夕陽
keyword: weather
translation: evening sun, setting sun, evening light
synonyms: 落日 , 夕焼
antonyms: 朝日


pronunciation: yuubi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: grace, elegance
優美な: yuubina: graceful, elegant <<< エレガント
related words: 優雅 , 秀麗 , エレガンス


pronunciation: yuubin
kanji characters: , 便
keyword: transport , communication
translation: post, mail
郵便の: yuubinnno: postal
郵便で: yuubinde: by mail (post)
郵便箱: yuubinbako: postbox, mailbox <<<
郵便局: yuubinkyoku: post office <<<
郵便局員: yuubinkyokuin: mail [mailing, postal] clerk <<<
郵便局長: yuubinkyokuchou: postmaster <<< 局長
郵便料: yuubinryou: postage, postal charges <<<
郵便料金: yuubinryoukin <<< 料金
郵便貯金: yuubinchokin: postal savings <<< 貯金
郵便番号: yuubinbangou: postcode, zip code <<< 番号
郵便為替: yuubinkawase: postal order, money order <<< 為替
郵便配達: yuubinhaitatsu: postal delivery, postman <<< 配達
郵便小包: yuubinkoZutsumi: parcel post <<< 小包
郵便葉書: yuubinhagaki: postal card, postcard <<< 葉書
郵便ポスト: yuubinposuto: pillar box, mailbox, letter drop <<< ポスト
速達郵便: sokutatsuyuubin: special delivery mail, express delivery post <<< 速達
書留郵便: kakitomeyuubin: registered letter <<< 書留
小包郵便: koZutsumiyuubin: parcel post <<< 小包
年賀郵便: nengayuubin: New Year's mail <<< 年賀
普通郵便: hutsuuyuubin: ordinary mail [post] <<< 普通
related words: 手紙 , メール


pronunciation: yuuhuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: richness, wealth
裕福な: yuuhukuna: rich, wealthy
裕福に暮す: yuuhukunikurasu: live in ease and comfort [easy circumstances], be well off <<<
裕福な家に生まれる: yuuhukunaieniumareru: be born rich, be born under lucky star
裕福な家庭に生まれる: yuuhukunakateiniumareru


pronunciation: yuumei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: fame, celebrity, notoriety
有名な: yuumeina: famous, noted, well-known, celebrated, renowned, illustrious, notorious
有名に成る: yuumeininaru: become famous, win [acquire, come to] fame, leap into fame, gain notoriety <<<
有名人: yuumeijin: celebrity, big-name (person) <<< , セレブ
有名税: yuumeizei: penalty of greatness <<<
有名校: yuumeikou: famous school <<<
synonyms: 著名
antonyms: 無名


pronunciation: yuuyake
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: evening glow, afterglow
夕焼け空: yuuyakezora: sky aglow with the setting sun, glowing sky <<<
related words: 夕日


pronunciation: yuuyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: postponement, extension (of time), grace, delay, hesitation, moratorium
猶予する: yuuyosuru: postpone, give (a person) time, give (a day's) grace, reprieve
猶予無く: yuuyonaku: without delay, without hesitation, promptly, at once <<<
猶予期間: yuuyokikan: period [days] of grace <<< 期間
起訴猶予: kisoyuuyo: suspension of indictment <<< 起訴
執行猶予: shikkouyuuyo: probation, reprieve <<< 執行

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