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Direct access: 宣言 , 潜航 , 線香 , 閃光 , 先行 , 専攻 , 仙骨 , 戦後 , 戦国 , 繊細


pronunciation: sengen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: declaration, proclamation, profession, statement
宣言する: sengensuru: declare, proclaim, announce, profess
宣言書: sengensho: a manifesto, a declaration, a statement <<<
死刑宣言: shikeisengen: death sentence <<< 死刑
失踪宣言: shissousengen: adjudication of disappearance <<< 失踪
中立宣言: chuuritsusengen: declaration of neutrality <<< 中立
爆弾宣言: bakudansengen: bombshell declaration <<< 爆弾
人権宣言: jinkensengen: Declaration of the Rights of Man <<< 人権
ポツダム宣言: potsudamusengen: Potsdam Declaration <<< ポツダム
デフォールト宣言: defoorutosengen: default declaration <<< デフォールト
ヘルシンキ宣言: herushinkisengen: Helsinki Declaration [Accords] <<< ヘルシンキ


pronunciation: senkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: submarine voyage
潜航する: senkousuru: move [navigate] under water
潜航艇: senkoutei: submarine (boat) <<<
related words: 潜水


pronunciation: senkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: buddhism
translation: incense stick
線香を上げる: senkouoageru: offer incense sticks <<<
線香を焚く: senkouotaku: burn incense <<<
線香立て: senkoutate: incense holder <<<
線香花火: senkouhanabi: sparkler <<< 花火


pronunciation: senkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics , weather
translation: flash, gleam, glitter, sparkle, glance
閃光灯: senkoutou: flash light <<<
閃光電球: senkoudenkyuu: flash bulb <<< 電球
閃光写真: senkoushashin: flashing photography <<< 写真
閃光が走る: senkougahashiru: Lightning flashes <<<
synonyms: フラッシュ , 稲妻 , 稲光


pronunciation: senkou
kanji characters: ,
translation: preceding, previousness
先行する: senkousuru: precede, forego, go ahead of
先行権: senkouken: right of way <<<
先行線: senkousen: preceding line <<<
先行スパン: senkousupan: preceding span <<< スパン
先行投資: senkoutoushi: prior investments <<< 投資


pronunciation: senkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: one's special study, one's (academic) speciality [specialty]
専攻する: senkousuru: study specially, make a speciality [specialty, special study] of, specialize [major] in
専攻科: senkouka: postgraduate course <<<
専攻科目: senkoukamoku: special study, major <<< 科目
副専攻: hukusenkou: secondary [minor, subsidiary] subject <<<
synonyms: 専門


pronunciation: senkotsu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 薦骨
keyword: organs
translation: sacrum, hermit
仙骨を帯びる: senkotsuoobiru: live like a hermit <<<
related words: 骨盤


pronunciation: sengo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , war
translation: postwar (period)
戦後の: sengono: after the war, postwar (a.)
戦後派: sengoha: postwar [après-guerre] generation <<<
戦後復興: sengohukkou: postwar recovery [rehabilitation] <<< 復興
related words: 戦前


pronunciation: sengoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese history
translation: age of civil wars, turbulent age [period]
戦国時代: sengokujidai: age of civil wars, turbulent age [period], Sengoku period (1467 AD - 1603 AD in Japan) <<< 時代


pronunciation: sensai
kanji characters: ,
translation: fineness, delicacy, slenderness, subtlety
繊細な: sensaina: delicate, slender, subtile
繊細に: sensaini: delicately, subtly
related words: デリケート

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