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Direct access: 見当 , 剣道 , 県道 , 顕微鏡 , 見物 , 検便 , 憲兵 , 建蔽率 , 憲法 , 研磨


pronunciation: kentou
kanji characters: ,
translation: aim, direction, estimate, guess, conjecture
見当を付ける: kentouotsukeru: take aim at, estimate, guess <<< , 見積
見当が付かない: kentougatsukanai: have no idea
見当違いの: kentouchigaino: misdirected, misplaced, wrong <<<
見当違いをする: kentouchigaiosuru: be on the wrong track
見当が外れる: kentougahazureru: shoot at the wrong mark, make a wrong guess, be disappointed <<<
related words: 方角 , 判断 , 大体


pronunciation: kendou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: martial art
translation: kendo
剣道家: kendouka: kendo player <<<
剣道師範: kendoushihan: kendo master <<< 師範
related words:


pronunciation: kendou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: road
translation: prefectural road
related words: 国道


pronunciation: kenbikyou
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: optics
translation: microscope
顕微鏡の: kenbikyouno: microscopic
顕微鏡的: kenbikyouteki <<<
顕微鏡で見る: kenbikyoudemiru: look at (a thing) through a microscope, see (a thing) under a microscope <<<
顕微鏡で調べる: kenbikyoudeshiraberu: examine through a microscope <<< 調
顕微鏡検査: kenbikyoukensa: microscopic examination <<< 検査
顕微鏡写真: kenbikyoushashin: microphotograph <<< 写真
電子顕微鏡: denshikenbikyou: electronic microscope <<< 電子


pronunciation: kenbutsu, mimono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show , travel
translation: sight-seeing, theater-going, play-going
見物する: kenbutsusuru: see, look at [on], watch, visit
見物に行く: kenbutsuniiku: go sight-seeing <<<
見物人: kenbutsunin: visitor, sightseer, spectator, audience, looker-on, by-stander <<<
見物席: kenbutsuseki: seat, stand, box seats, gallery <<<
名所見物する: meishokenbutsusuru: see [do] the sights <<< 名所
芝居見物: shibaikenbutsu: play-going <<< 芝居
related words: 観光 , 観劇


pronunciation: kenben
kanji characters: , 便
keyword: medicine
translation: stool test, examination of feces
検便する: kenbensuru: examine a person's feces


pronunciation: kenpei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: military police-man, MP, shore patrol-man, SP
憲兵隊: kenpeitai: military police, shore patrol <<<


pronunciation: kenpeiritsu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 建ぺい率
keyword: construction
translation: building coverage


pronunciation: kenpou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , law
translation: constitution
憲法の: kenpouno: constitutional
憲法上の: kenpoujouno <<<
憲法違反: kenpouihan: violation of the constitution <<< 違反
憲法違反の: kenpouihannno: unconstitutional
憲法制度: kenpouseido: constitutional system <<< 制度
憲法学者: kenpougakusha: constitutionalist <<< 学者
憲法改正: kenpoukaisei: revision of the constitution <<< 改正
憲法記念日: kenpoukinenbi: Constitution Memorial Day (3 May in Japan)


pronunciation: kenma
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mechanics
translation: grinding, polishing, abrasion
研磨する: kenmasuru: grind, polish
研磨機: kenmaki: grinder, polisher <<<
研磨剤: kenmazai: abrasive <<<
研磨紙: kenmashi: sandpaper, emery paper <<<

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