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Direct access: 船隊 , 洗濯 , 選択 , 先端 , 先代 , 仙台 , 船団 , 戦地 , 先着 , 船中


pronunciation: sentai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: fleet (of merchant ships)
商船隊: shousentai: commercial fleet <<<
synonyms: 船団
antonyms: 艦隊


pronunciation: sentaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , hygiene
translation: wash, washing, laundry
洗濯する: sentakusuru: wash (v.), launder
洗濯が効く: sentakugakiku: stand (bear) washing, be washable <<<
洗濯機: sentakki: washing machine, washer <<<
洗濯屋: sentakuya: laundry, laundryman, laundress <<<
洗濯板: sentakuita: washboard <<<
洗濯籠: sentakukago: laundry basket, linen basket <<<
洗濯鋏: sentakubasami: clothespin, peg <<<
洗濯代: sentakudai: laundry charge <<<
洗濯物: sentakumono: the laundry <<<
洗濯石鹸: sentakusekken: washing soap <<< 石鹸
related words: クリーニング


pronunciation: sentaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: selection, choice
選択する: sentakusuru: select, choose
選択に迷う: sentakunimayou: be at a loss which to choose, find it difficult to choose <<<
選択に苦しむ: sentakunikurushimu <<<
選択を誤る: sentakuoayamaru: make a bad choice <<<
選択技: sentakushi: choices (on a test) <<<
選択権: sentakuken: freedom of choice <<<
選択の自由: sentakunojiyuu <<< 自由
選択科目: sentakukamoku: elective [optional] subject <<< 科目
選択問題: sentakumondai: multiple-choice test <<< 問題
ソフィーの選択: sofiinosentaku: Sophie's Choice (an American film) <<< ソフィー
related words: 選定 , 必修


pronunciation: sentan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology
translation: extreme point, tip, apex, cusp
先端的: sentanteki: ultramodern <<<
先端技術: sentangijutsu: high-tech, high technology <<< 技術
指の先端: yubinosentan: fingertip <<< , 指先
related words: モダン


pronunciation: sendai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: one's predecessor (in the family line), deceased father
先代の: sendaino: former, last


pronunciation: sendai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Sendai (city)
仙台市: sendaishi: City of Sendai (Miyagi) <<<
仙台駅: sendaieki: Sendai Station <<<
仙台藩: sendaihan: Sendai Domain <<<
仙台城: sendaijou: Sendai Castle <<<
仙台湾: sendaiwan: Sendai Bay <<<
仙台港: sendaikou: Sendai Harbor <<<
仙台空港: sendaikuukou: Sendai Airport <<< 空港
related words: 宮城 ,


pronunciation: sendan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: fleet (of merchant ships)
船団を組む: sendannokumu: form a fleet <<<
漁船団: gyosendan: fishing fleet <<<
輸送船団: yusousendan: convoy <<< 輸送
捕鯨船団: hogeisendan: fleet of whalers <<< 捕鯨
synonyms: 船隊
antonyms: 艦隊


pronunciation: senchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: seat of war, (war) front, battlefield, battleground
戦地の: senchino: at the (war) front
戦地で: senchide
戦地に行く: senchiniiku: go to war <<<
戦地から帰る: senchikarakaeru: come back from the front <<<
related words: 戦場


pronunciation: senchaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: first [early] arrival
先着順に: senchakujunnni: in the order of arrivals, on a first-come-first-served basis <<<
先着者: senchakusha: first to arrive, first comer <<<


pronunciation: senchuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: in a ship, on board [a ship], aboard
船中で: senchuude
船中の出来事: senchuunodekigoto: incident on board

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