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Direct access: 旋風 , 扇風機 , 煎餅 , 戦没 , 千枚 , 鮮明 , 殲滅 , 洗面 , 専門 , 専有


pronunciation: senpuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: whirlwind, cyclone, tornado
related words: 竜巻


pronunciation: senpuuki
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: tool
translation: electric fan
扇風機を掛ける: senpuukiokakeru: turn [switch] on an electric fan <<<
扇風機を止める: senpuukiotomeru: turn [switch] off an electric fan <<<
related words: ファン


pronunciation: senbei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese food
translation: rice cracker [biscuit]
煎餅布団: senbeibuton: hard thin mattress [quilt] <<< 布団


pronunciation: senbotsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , death
translation: death in the war
戦没者: senbotsusha: person killed in action, war dead <<<
synonyms: 戦死


pronunciation: senmai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: unit
translation: thousand sheets
千枚通し: senmaidooshi: eyeleteer <<<


pronunciation: senmei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology
translation: sharpness, clearness, brightness, vividness
鮮明な: senmeina: sharp, clear, bright, vivid
鮮明を欠く: senmeiokaku: lack clearness <<<
鮮明度: senmeido: definition, distinction <<<


pronunciation: senmetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: annihilation
殲滅する: senmetsusuru: annihilate, extirpate, wipe [stamp] out, mop out
殲滅戦: senmetsusen: annihilating operations <<<


pronunciation: senmen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: face washing
洗面する: senmensuru: wash one's face
洗面器: senmenki: washbasin, washbowl <<<
洗面所: senmensho: lavatory, washroom, toilet (room), washing place, bathroom <<<
洗面台: senmendai: washstand <<<
洗面用具: senmennyougu: toilet articles <<< 用具
洗面タオル: senmentaoru: wash towel <<< タオル


pronunciation: senmon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: specialty
専門の: senmonnno: special, technical
専門にやる: senmonnniyaru: make a specialty of, specialize [major] in
専門に扱う: senmonnniatsukau <<<
専門家: senmonka: specialist, professional, expert, pundit <<< , スペシャリスト
専門医: senmonni: medical specialist <<<
専門化: senmonka: specialization <<<
専門化する: senmonkasuru: specialize
専門店: senmonten: specialized dealer, specialty shop <<<
専門語: senmongo: technical term [terminology] <<<
専門教育: senmonkyouiku: technical [professional] education <<< 教育
専門学校: senmongakkou: professional school <<< 学校
専門分野: senmonbunnya: subject, field, specialty, speciality, professional discipline, specialist area <<< 分野
専門領域: senmonryouiki <<< 領域
専門知識: senmonchishiki: expertise <<< 知識
related words: 特技 , 専攻


pronunciation: sennyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: exclusive possession
専有の: sennyuuno: exclusive, private
専有する: sennyuusuru: monopolize, enjoy sole possession of
専有権: sennyuuken: exclusive rights <<<
専有者: sennyuusha: sole owner <<<
related words: 専用

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