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category: common usage
keyword: color
Number of strokes: 11
translation: dark blue, indigo
kon, kan
紺: kon: dark blue (n.)
紺の: konnno: dark blue (a.)
紺: konniro: dark blue (color) <<< 紺色
Kanji words: 紺色 , 濃紺 , 紺碧

category: common usage
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 11
translation: solve, answer, work out, set free (ext.), release, abandon, give up
shaku, seki, eki
釈く: toku: solve, answer, work out
釈す: yurusu: pardon, release, set free
釈る: suteru: abandon, give up
Kanji words: 解釈 , 保釈 , 釈然 , 注釈 , 釈迦 , 釈明 , 釈放 , 会釈

category: common usage
keyword: construction
Number of strokes: 11
translation: hole, slit, gap, leak, pit, cave, dig, excavate, burrow, scoop, bore
kutsu, kotsu
堀る: horu: dig, excavate, burrow, scratch (for), scoop out, bore
堀: hori: ditch (jp.), dike, moat, canal
堀り返す: horikaesu: dig up (again) <<<
堀り下げる: horisageru: dig down [deep] <<<
堀り出す: horidasu: dig out, unearth, excavate <<<
堀: ana: hole, slit, gap, leak, pit, cave <<<

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: scold, rebuke, reprimand
katsu, kachi, ai
喝る: shikaru: scold, rebuke, reprimand, call (a person) down, read (a person) a lecture
Kanji words: 恫喝 , 恐喝

category: common usage
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 11
translation: grandmother, old woman
婆: baba
Kanji words: 転婆 , 阿婆擦 , 湯婆 , 娑婆
Expressions: 皺くちゃ婆

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: yes, only, solely, merely
yui, i
唯: tada: only, solely, merely
唯: hai: yes (pol.)
Kanji words: 唯一

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: remain, left over, too much [many], excess
剰る: amaru: remain, be left over, be too much [many], be in excess <<<
剰え: amatsusae: besides (jp.), moreover, what is more
Kanji words: 過剰 , 余剰

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: spy, watch, observe
偵う: ukagau: watch, observe <<<
偵: mawashimono: spy (n.)
Kanji words: 偵察 , 探偵

category: common usage
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 11
translation: cultivate, foster
bai, hou
培う: tsuchikau
Kanji words: 培養 , 栽培

category: common usage
keyword: geography
Number of strokes: 11
translation: steep, inaccessible
崎しい: kewashii: steep, inaccessible <<<
崎: saki: cape (jp.)
崎: misaki <<<
Kanji words: 川崎 , 宮崎 , 長崎

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