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Direct access: 重婚 , 十五 , 十三 , 重罪 , 銃士 , 十七 , 従者 , 住所 , 重傷 , 重症


pronunciation: juukon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: bigamy
重婚する: juukonsuru: commit bigamy
重婚者: juukonsha: bigamist <<<


pronunciation: juugo
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 15
keyword: number
translation: fifteen
十五歳: juugosai: fifteen years old <<<
十五歳の: juugosaino: fifteen-year-old
十五分: juugohun: fifteen minutes, quarter of an hour <<<
十五夜: juugoya: night of a full moon <<<
十五夜の月: juugoyanotsuki: full moon <<< , 満月
十五番: juugoban: the fifteenth <<<
第十五: daijuugo <<<


pronunciation: juusan, juusou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 13
keyword: number
translation: thirteen
十三番: juusanban: the thirteenth <<<
第十三: daijuusan <<<
十三日: juusannnichi: the thirteenth day (of month) <<<
十三日の金曜日: juusannnichinokinnyoubi: Friday that falls on the thirteenth day, Friday the thirteenth, Black Friday
十三駅: juusoueki: Juso station (in Osaka) <<<


pronunciation: juuzai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: felony, grave [capital] crime [offense]
重罪を犯す: juuzaiookasu: commit a grave crime <<<
重罪人: juuzainin: felon <<<
重罪犯: juuzaihan <<<
synonyms: 大罪


pronunciation: juushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , war
translation: musketeer
三銃士: sanjuushi: three musketeers <<<


pronunciation: juushichi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 17
keyword: number
translation: seventeen
十七番: juushichiban: the seventeenth <<<
第十七: daijuushichi <<<


pronunciation: juusha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , job
translation: servant, attendant, valet, follower, suite
synonyms: 家来


pronunciation: juusho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: one's dwelling [place], one's address
住所を定める: juushoosadameru: take up one's residence, fix one's abode <<<
住所を偽る: juushooitsuwaru: give a false address <<<
住所録: juushoroku: address book [directory] <<<
住所不定: juushohutei: have no fixed abode
住所姓名: juushoseimei: one's name and address <<< 姓名
住所不明: juushohumei: address unknown <<< 不明
住所変更: juushohenkou: change of address <<< 変更
住所変更届: juushohenkoutodoke: report on one's removal, notify a change in address <<<
現住所: genjuusho: present address <<<
表記の住所: hyoukinojuusho: address mentioned on the outside <<< 表記
related words: 番地 , アドレス


pronunciation: juushou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: serious injury
重傷する: juushousuru: seriously injured
重傷を負う: juushouoou <<<
重傷を負わせる: juushouoowaseru: inflict a serious wound (on a person)
重傷者: juushousha: severely wounded (person) <<<
瀕死の重傷: hinshinojuushou: fatal [mortal] injury <<< 瀕死
related words: 重症


pronunciation: juushou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: serious [dangerous] illness
重症である: juushoudearu: be seriously [dangerously] ill
重症患者: juushoukanja: serious case <<< 患者
synonyms: 重体
related words: 重傷

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